580톤 교량 거더 가설 RC크레인 Some Genius Built an RC Version of the Massive Chinese Bridge Girder Machine: VIDEO
산업과학 Construction,Science/건설영상 Video2016. 10. 30. 15:04
SLJ900은 작년 인터넷에 공개되어 화제를 일으킨 580톤 교량의 거더 가설장비다.
RC(무선리모콘) 미니어처로 만들어져 사람들이 손쉽게 볼 수 있도록 했다.
The SLJ900 was the 580 ton Chinese bridge girder erection machine that almost broke the internet in 2015. Videos of the massive piece of equipment have been viewed millions of times and the process has mesmerized viewers from across the globe. Now, the video has even prompted someone to build a working model of the machine.