프랑스 시스트라, 하이퍼루프 정거장 BIM 설계 공모 당선작 선정 SYSTRA winner of The Hyperloop Station Design Competition

SYSTRA winner of The Hyperloop Station Design Competition

 2016 두바이 “Build Earth Live Hyperloop” 디자인 공모에서 프랑스의 설계업체 

시스트라 Möbius의 BIM 디자인이  선정됐다.

이 설계 경기는 두바이 미래재단과 하이퍼루프원이 주관하여 9월 26~28일까지 

개최됐으며 모두 26개국 67개 팀이 참여해 경연을 벌였다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

SYSTRA winner of The Hyperloop Station Design Competition :SYSTRA has won the BIM design the “Build Earth Live Hyperloop” 2016 prize in Dubai with its team called Möbius. This competition, an original initiative sponsored by the Dubai Future Foundation and Hyperloop One, was held on 26-28 September and involved 67 teams in 26 countries from a range of fields: transport engineering, architecture practices, universities, etc.

Designing Hyperloop in Dubai with a collaborative BIM platform

The challenge was to design – in just two days, using a collaborative BIM platform – a prototype for a 127 km Hyperloop line for passengers and freight, with 3 stations that would reduce the journey time between Dubai and the Fujairah emirate from 2.5 hours to under 10 minutes. The aim for Dubai was to anticipate future needs and explore investment opportunities.

A multidisciplinary team work in very limited time

A SYSTRA team was assembled very quickly after the challenge comprising around 30 colleagues from a range of disciplines, with the assistance of MaP3, Structural Design specialized consultants. Its name? Möbius, to illustrate a strip twisting in space and the unity of the elements. It delivered a wide-ranging technical response in a very short space of time, only 2 days, to design the architecture of three stations with their models and a sustainable design, a simulation of passenger flows, as well as a 3D modelling and project scheduling in 4D.

SYSTRA commended for its ability to provide a turnkey solution

For all the deliverables, the teams had to establish a collaborative process and technical solutions reflecting BIM standards on a collaborative online platform. This constraint provided another opportunity to showcase the ability of SYSTRA to manage complex projects and leverage the synergies and expertise of each participant thanks to BIM. This competition was a perfect illustration of the growing use of BIM management within SYSTRA.

Organizers of this competition, from the Dubai Future Foundation, have commented at the awards ceremony having “selected the Möbius team for the quality of its design and of their social and economic impact studies as well as for its technical competencies.”

SYSTRA, partner with Hyperloop One

Hyperloop is an industrial research project which is aimed at achieving transport speeds of 1200 km/hr, equivalent to a journey time of 30 minutes from Los Angeles to San Francisco. The concept involves transporting passengers in capsules in reduced-pressure tubes using a magnetic field generated by induction motors. SYSTRA is partner with this project for the technical development of the system, particularly in safety studies, and also for the identification of target projects to develop this new transportation mode in France, in the CIS countries and in the Middle-East.



