파리시 도심이 온통 그린색으로 Paris Passes Law That Allows Residents to Plant Urban Gardens All Over the City

Paris Passes Law That Allows Residents to Plant Urban Gardens All Over the City


   담쟁이 넝쿨이 휘감겨 있는 건물만 보면 아름다울 뿐만 아니라 

자연을 늘 곁에 둔 것같아 삶의 생기를 불어 넣어준다.

파리시 도심 전체가 이제 녹색 공간으로 변모할 모양이다.

도심 정원 만드는 것을 법으로 허용했기 때문이다.

참여를 원하는 주민은 녹화를 위한 신재생에너지를 3년간 사용할 수 있다.

파리시장은 2020년까지 도심정원 면적을 100헥타로 늘릴 계획이다.

이런 조치에는 파리시에 오래된 건물이 많은 이유도 있다.

여하튼 파리시는 고풍스러운 오크색에서 그린색으로 온통 바뀔 판이다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

By Kelly Richman-Abdou October 11, 2016

With its beautiful gardens, plant-draped balconies, and florists in every quartier, Paris is an undeniably flower-friendly city—and it’s about to get even greener.

Thanks to a recent initiative, members of the Parisian public are now entitled—and even encouraged—to plant and maintain their own urban gardens. The plant-y proposal has popped up amid Mayor Hidalgo’s determination to introduce 100 hectares of green space to the city by 2020. Interested (and hopefully green-thumbed) residents will receive renewable three-year-permits that enable them to grow anything from fruit and vegetables to flowers and plants (namely, local honey plants). 

While typical flowerbeds and traditional potted plants are entirely acceptable, the proposal prompts people to get creative; living walls and rooftop gardens are only a couple of creative suggestions offered by the city. Though the verdant possibilities are endless, the initiative does have its guidelines: the flora must by cultivated using sustainable methods (no pesticides!) and intended as a means to improve the aesthetic of the city. With an innate interest in promoting both a greener metropolis and a stronger and more united community, the new initiative truly is the perfect grassroots campaign.

via [InhabitatLa Relève et La Peste

Images via Patrick Blanc and Christophe Noël and Jean-Pierre Viguié/Mairie de Paris. 


