터키 건설현장 30m 옹벽 붕괴 동영상 100 Foot Tall Retaining Wall Collapse Caught on Camera: VIDEO
산업과학 Construction,Science/건설영상 Video2016. 10. 11. 22:32
터키에서 발생한 30M 높이 건축현장 옹벽 붕괴 동영상
In the video below, uploaded to Youtube by Today’s News, you’ll see the collapse of a large retaining wall in Turkey, approximately 100 feet in height, crumble under the weight of the soil it’s attempting to shore. Oddly, several people at the bottom of the pit seem to be aware of the issue, as they can be seen pointing cameras at the wall. As it collapses, they slowly move away, narrowly escaping being buried. The bottom of the retaining wall is the last place I’d want to be if I knew there were issues.