스파이더맨과 싱크로율 100% 케냐 도마뱀 Spider-Lizard! Reptile looks just like the comic book webslinger


Reptile looks just like the comic book webslinger

source kr.xinhuanet.com

  • Retired teacher Jennifer Gold spotted the lizard while on trip to Kenya
  • She was taken aback by its red and blue colouring and its tough stance 
  • Mrs Gold said the reptile reminded her of the comic book hero Spiderman 

With his tough stance and red and blue colouring, he could be mistaken for comic book hero Spiderman.

But on closer inspection the webslinger look-a-like is in fact a male lizard, who was spotted in Kenya.

Retired geography and biology teacher Jennifer Gold, 64, snapped the creature on her first ever trip to Africa.

Retired geography and biology teacher Jennifer Gold, 64, snapped the creature on her first ever trip to Africa and was taken aback with his distinctive look 

Retired geography and biology teacher Jennifer Gold, 64, snapped the creature on her first ever trip to Africa 

and was taken aback with his distinctive look 

The creature's red and blue colouring as well as his tough stance has seen him compared to Spiderman 

The creature's red and blue colouring as well as his tough stance has seen him compared to Spiderman


She explained: 'We had left Nairobi early in the morning and travelled for over seven hours over the bumpiest, 

roughest roads I have ever experienced!

'We finally arrived at an entrance gate for the Mara Conservancy and were waiting for our drivers to get clearance to enter.


'I spotted the bright coloured lizard that looked like a superhero in an aggressive stance and used it as an excuse to jump out and stretch my legs.

'We were only there for five minutes but my camera was right next to me so I thought I really should take a photo.

Mrs Gold was later told the lizard's macho stance and bright colouring was his bid to try and attract a female mate
Mrs Gold was later told the lizard's macho stance and bright colouring was his bid to try and attract a female mate

Mrs Gold was later told the lizard's macho stance and

bright colouring was his bid to try and attract a female mate

And Mrs Gold was later told the lizard's macho stance and bright colouring was his bid to try and attract a female mate.

She added: ''I had never seen such a lizard before. I later found during the breeding season the males develop strikingly coloured marking to attract the females.

'The Spiderman pose is also part of the mating ritual.

'The females remain camouflaged, however. One was so well hidden I almost sat on it on the rocks!' 


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3802481/Spider-Lizard-Reptile-looks-just-like-comic-book-webslinger.html#ixzz4MTzjSGQE 


