떠있는 목화구름으로 위장한 기발한 블루투스 스피커 Bluetooth Speaker Ingeniously Disguised as Cotton Cloud That Floats Inside Your Home: VIDEO
Bluetooth Speaker Ingeniously Disguised as Cotton Cloud That Floats Inside Your Home
만일 집에 구름이 떠 있다면 마치 꿈을 꾸는 듯한 기분을 느낄 것이다.
이런 환상이 현실화 됐다.
리처드 클락슨 스튜디오와 자기부상 디자인 전문회사인 크리레브는 최근 공동으로
꿈의 구름 스피커를 개발했다.
음악을 틀을 수 있을 뿐 아니라 공중에서 불을 깜박거리며 빙빙 맴돌기도 한다.
모양이 독특한 폴리에스텔계섬유로 만들어진 흰 솜털 모양으로 날씨가 좋으면 볼 수
있는 뽀송뽀송한 흰 구름을 연상하게 된다.
현재 시제품 형태로 곧 상용화에 착수할 예정이다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
By Sara Barnes October 7, 2016
The idea of having a floating cloud inside of your home seems like something from a dream. This fantasy is now a reality, however, made possible through a recent collaboration between design firm Richard Clarkson Studio and levitation specialists Crealev. Together, they’ve produced a small puffy cloud speaker that not only plays music, but lights up and hovers in mid-air.
The unconventional device is made of white, hand-fluffed polyester fibers and is reminiscent of a picturesque cloud you’d see on a warm and sunny day. Embedded within the densely-packed material is a Bluetooth speaker and sound-reactive LED lights (to simulate lightning), as well as a magnet. Another magnet (of opposite polarity) is placed within the gadget's reflective oval base and allows the cloud to have this rotating, softly-bobbing movement—it’s like you’ve brought the outdoors inside and put it on your coffee table.
As of now, this design is currently a prototype with the hopes that it will be commercially available soon.
Richard Clarkson Studio: Website
Crealev: Website
via [Dezeen, Contemporist]