150m 높이에서의 교량 유지관리 동영상 360 Degree Video Captures What It’s Like to Work on Top of a 500’ Tall Bridge: VIDEO

360 Degree Video Captures What It’s Like to Work on Top of a 500’ Tall Bridge

October 5, 2016 Shane Hedmond

photo courtesy of Scruffs

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황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

Just because construction work happens every day, doesn’t make it any less thrilling of a job.  Some people like to climb mountains, others like to climb building that are under construction and bridges that need maintained.  Some people don’t like looking over balconies a few stories off the ground, yet many times construction and maintenance workers have to actually do work while dangling 500 feet up in the air.

To help highlight the expertise of tradespeople and show off their dedication to the craft, UK workwear company, Scruffs, has launched their first of a series of videos, which they call the “Masters at Work. Masters of Workwear” campaign. In this first video, 360 degree video of two maintenance workers, named Owain and Danny, climbing the Severn Bridge, which connects England to Wales. 

The 1 mile long bridge reaches a height of 445 feet at its peak, which takes 320 vertical steps to reach.  To help illustrate the height and seriousness of work the pair of maintenance men do, 360 degree cameras were placed on both their helmets and on a nearby helicopter flying beside them.  The series’ first video is aptly titled “Masters of Vertigo.”

360 degree video has become extremely popular in recent months, demonstrating its sheer entertainment value.  But, as some brands, like Scruffs, and construction companies are finding out, 360 video brings on a whole new level of job and quality control in the field.  Context is key in the construction industry and 360 video is an amazingly efficient way to capture the context of the jobsite.

To move the camera to a different angle in the video below, simply tilt or rotate your phone or click and drag your mouse.  Enjoy!

If you’d like to see some more behind the scenes footage of how the video is made, check out the video below!



