브라질 건설현장에서 발견된 거대 아나콘다 Video: Anaconda weighing 400kg found on construction site in Brazi

Video: Anaconda weighing 400kg found on construction site in Brazi

(Image courtesy: Daily Mail)

브라질의 한 건설현장에서 아나콘다가 발견됐다.

동굴을 발파할 때 발견되었는데 건설작업자는 그만 혼비백산하고 말았다.

직경이 무려 1m에 길이 10m 무게가 400kg이나 나가는 거대 뱀을 목격했기 때문이다.

브라질의 벨로댐 건설현장에서 발생한 얘기다.

비디오 영상은 크레인 체인에 묶여 있는 아나콘다를 보여주고 있다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

An anaconda weighing 400kg and measuring 10 metres was found at a construction site in Brazil.

The construction crew had just blasted a cave and got the shock of their life when they discovered the mammoth snake.

The giant snake, which measures one metre per diameter, was found by workers who were clearing the site.

The workers were clearing the construction site for the Belo Dam in the municipality of Altamira in Para, Brazil.

The video, filmed by a worker, shows the gigantic snake chained to a crane. The video also shows the yellow spotted belly of the snake.



