네덜란드 작은 마을의 화려한 웅장한 꽃 퍼레이드 Gorgeous Flower Parade Features Giant Floats Made From Thousands of Dahlias

Gorgeous Flower Parade Features Giant Floats Made From Thousands of Dahlias

By Leah Pellegrini September 6, 2016

수천개의 달리아꽃으로 장식된 퍼레이드 차량 행렬이 장관이다.

1936년부터 튜울립의 나라 네덜란드의 준데르트 마을에서는 코르소 준데르트라고 하는 꽃퍼레이드가 열린다.

매년 작은 마을들에서 온 20개 그룹이 자신들이 디자인한 작품과 경쟁하기 위하여 참가한다.

올해의 우승자는 벤티글러 마을에서 참가한 'Dangerous Transportation'이 선정됐다.

콧구멍에서 연기가 나오고 송곳니를 드러내기 위해 턱이 벌려지는 용을 닮은 작품이다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

Since 1936, the town of Zundert in the south of the Netherlands has hosted an annual flower parade called Corso Zundert, featuring moving floats festooned with bright spreads of blooms. Each year, 20 groups of volunteers arrive from different hamlets to compete with their massive and magnificent designs, which are typically blanketed with thousands of dahlias and integrated with moving elements.

The winner for 2016 was titled Dangerous Transportation, designed by the hamlet of Tiggelaar. The fearsome, fiery dragon was complete with steam shooting from its nostrils, jaw opened wide to reveal sharp fangs. Its rivals varied from a tumbling pack of foxes to a hive of human-sized honey bees, each one gargantuan and gorgeously complex.

With their fine sculptural shaping and precise patterns, it’s hard to believe that these massive figures are truly comprised of ephemeral blossoms—built not to last, but to delight local citizens (and wide-eyed visitors) for a one-day celebration. Fortunately, they’re preserved for posterity in photographs. You can check them out below and see all 20 on the Corso Zundert website.

Image above via Erwin Martins

Image via Erwin Martins

Image via John DG Photography

Image via Erwin Martens

Image via John DG Photography

Image via Malou Evers

Image via Malou Evers

Image via Erwin Martens

Image via Erwin Martens

Image via Malou Evers

Image via Malou Evers

Image via John DG Photography

Image via Erwin Martens

Image via Erwin Martens

Image via John DG Photography

Corso Zundert: Website | Facebook | Twitter
via [Colossal]


