Easy ink: Women with tattoos more approachable but have looser morals, study claims

Easy ink: Women with tattoos more approachable but have looser morals, study claims 

The study, from France's Université de Bretagne-Sud in France, found that men believed they had greater chances of successfully asking a girl out if she had a tattoo; they also believed their odds of sleeping together on the first date were greater. (TOM DE BRUYNE/GETTY IMAGES)

Just call it easy ink.

Men believe that women with tattoos - and particularly 'tramp stamps' - are more likely to sleep with a man on a first date, a study has found.

The study, from France's Université de Bretagne-Sud in France, found several conflicting nuggets of information, including that men surveyed were more likely to ask a girl out if they had a tattoo, but also believed them to be "loose."

The first leg of the study asked 31 men to rate 59 females, asking them to rank women in the order of attraction. The top 11 female participants were then sent out to the beaches of Brittany wearing red bikinis.

For half of their solo beach trips, the women wore large temporary butterfly tattoos on their lower backs. But for the other 10 visits, they did not wear the faux-ink.

Researchers found that men were much more likely to approach the women when they were wearing the tattoo, and took on average much less time to approach the sunbathing women in the first place.

The second part of the experiment surveyed 440 men with a median age of 22.3, asking them if they believed they had a chance with the women, and if they thought they would have sex on the first date.

Scientists found their responses to meet their theory: men thought the girls with the butterfly tattoos would agree to a date and would be easier to bed afterwards.

The researchers concluded: "Men see (tattoos) as an advertisement of heightened sexual intent and/or receptivity."

The study was published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.



