살벌한 미국 캐나다 더비라인 국경선 Did the border kill the small town of Derby Line, Vermont?; VIDEO

Did the border kill the small town of Derby Line, Vermont? 

source whereisyvette.com

source flickr.com

캐나다 퀘벡주의 스탠스테드(Stansted)라는 마을과 미국 버몬트주의 더비라인(Derby Line)이라는
마을은 사실은 하나의 마을입니다.

길 하나를 두고 북쪽은 캐나다 남쪽은 미국입니다. 모든 국경 분리지역은 선으로 구분이 되어 있습니다.

국경선에 걸쳐진 집의 경우 앞문으로 들어가서 뒷문으로 나오면  국경 무단 침범으로 붙잡혀가서 
벌금을 물어야 합니다

마을 도서관 마루바닥에도 줄이 그어져 있으며 도로의 차선도 2차선 왕복도로 경우 각 1차선 씩 
걸쳐져 있습니다. 

양국의 국경을 넘어가려면 상대국의 허가를 받아야 합니다.

이 살벌한 국경선이 생긴 이유는 2001년 9.11 테러 이후에 미국의 국경 강화 정책 때문에 생겼다고 합니다.
사랑하는 사람을 길 하나 두고서 건너가지 못하는 이 국경선을 어떻게 해야 할까요

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

This year’s Porcupine Freedom Festival included an epic video of the NH tax collector trying and failing to crack down on unlicensed vendors, but that wasn’t the only interaction that Porcfest attendees had with police.

Several liberty activists made a “run for the border” and drove a couple hours from Lancaster, NH to Derby Line, VT which features the border crossing through the middle of the Haskell library. We wanted to see it for ourselves as well as attempting to cross on foot with various forms of identification.

Here’s a 24-minute short documentary covering what we saw and what we learned. In short, one can cross to Canada with only a driver’s license and despite what the US federal government claims, you don’t need a passport to cross back into the US, but they might hassle you. Also, Derby Line, VT and Stanstead, Quebec have been hurt economically by the border-tightening that happened around 2007. Derby Line’s commercial property is nearly completely empty, and several homes are on the market for sale. Stanstead is in somewhat better shape.

Who would want to live where most of the cars on the streets are Border Patrol vehicles? That’s life in the ghost town of Derby Line, a microcosm of what will happen to the United States if the borders continue to tighten – freedom and the economy will suffer.


