두번째 지구 The second Earth that we could visit in our lifetime: VIDEO
산업과학 Construction,Science/IT 과학 IT & Science2016. 8. 25. 19:40
The second Earth that we could visit in our lifetime: Planet is discovered just four light years away and scientists say it may have liquid water and alien life
- The planet, named Proxima b, orbits our closest star, Proxima Centauri, and is believed to be rocky
- It is around 1.3 times the size of Earth and has the right temperature for liquid water to exist
- It could be the best opportunity we have to find direct evidence of alien life outside our solar system
- Due to its relatively close proximity to Earth, we could send a spacecraft to the planet within decades
We may have been given our best chance of finding alien life outside our solar system.
A rocky planet that may harbour life has been discovered just four light years from Earth - close enough to be reached by future space missions.
The planet, dubbed 'a second Earth', is the right distance from its star to host liquid water, which means it has the potential for alien life.
It is the closest exoplanet we could ever discover, and experts say missions to the planet to search for signs of life could be feasible 'within our lifetime'.