에어버스 그룹, 날으는 무인 택시사업 착수 Airbus Group set to build robotic flying taxis: VIDEO

Airbus Group set to build robotic flying taxis

The project’s team of internal and external developers is beginning to build and test vehicle subsystems.  


Chinese firm says self-flying craft could be used as a smart taxi



  유럽의 다국적 우주 항공사 및방산업체인 에어버스 그룹는 도심 혼잡 해결책으로 헬리콥터 같이 

날으는 무인택시 사업을 준비 중이라고 밝혔다.

이 시티에어버스는 소형 화물과 승객들을 실어나를 수 있다. 첫 프로토타입의 첫 비행 시험은 내년 

말경에 시행될 예정이다.

배터리사 동력원으로 사용되며 스마트폰으로 호출할 수 있으며 현재 법제화가 진행 중인 도심의 정해진 

항공로로 비행할 수 있다.

2016년 2월부터 사업이 착수되었으며 내외부의 프로젝트 개발팀과 공동 투자자들은 택시 디자인과 

하위시스템의 제작과 시험에 착수하기로 동의했다.

중국도 올 1월 무인 항공택시 시범주행을 마친 바 있다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

by Yasmin Al Heialy on Aug 21, 2016 

European multinational aerospace and defence corporation, Airbus Group, is building autonomous helicopter-like flying taxis as a solution to urban congestion, the company has announced.

The flying vehicles, CityAirbus, will transport small parcels and passengers. Flight tests of the first vehicle prototype are slated for the end of 2017.

Battery-powered, the vehicles would be summoned by smartphone and travel along aerial urban roadways, constituting a system of robotic flying taxis.

The project has been underway since February 2016, according to the statement. The project’s team of internal and external developers, and partners have agreed on a vehicle design and is beginning to build and test vehicle subsystems.

“Traffic problems are becoming more acute across the globe as a result of increasing urbanisation, particularly in “megacities” – urban centres with upwards of ten million inhabitants,” the company said in a statement.

In response, Airbus Group experts are looking skywards to develop radical concepts that will relieve urban congestion. Participating in these efforts is A3, the company’s innovation outpost located in the gridlocked Valley.

A3 project executive Rodin Lyasoff and his team are actively pursuing a project coined Vahana, an autonomous flying vehicle platform for individual passenger and cargo transport. 

Lyasoff said: “We believe that global demand for this category of aircraft can support fleets of millions of vehicles worldwide. In as little as ten years, we could have products on the market that revolutionise urban travel for millions of people.”



