미 스타트업 '바이퓨전', 해양쓰레기로 친환경블록 생산 ByFusion turns all types of ocean plastic into eco-friendly construction blocks: VIDEO

   미국의 스타트업인 바이 퓨전사(ByFusion)는 해양쓰레기로 건설현장에 사용되는 

친환경 블록을 만든다.

조립식으로 접착재가 필요없으며 영구적으로 재활용이 가능하다.

여기에 투자해야하는 건 아닌지...

ByFusion turns all types of ocean plastic into eco-friendly construction blocks

The problem of ocean waste, particularly the plastic variety, is a big one, and many creative people are working on ways to clean it up. Finding ways to repurpose the plastic debris collected from the ocean is one component of that, and the U.S.-based startup ByFusion has responded with technology that recycles ocean plastic into durable construction blocks. This way, the plastic waste can be repurposed permanently, rather than being used to create another disposable plastic item that might wind up right back in our precious waterways.




