올림픽 참가 아들을 만나고픈 아빠를 도운 사람들 이야기 Kind Passenger Raises Money for Uber Driver to See His Son Compete in the Olympics

카테고리 없음|2016. 8. 6. 13:32

Kind Passenger Raises Money for Uber Driver to See His Son Compete in the Olympics

By Cammie Finch August 5, 2016


펜실바니아 우버 운전수인 엘리스 힐은 큰 꿈을 가지고 있다.

2016 리우 올림픽 대표로 출전하는 아들 '다렐'의 경기를 보러 가는 것이다.

그러나 많은 돈이 드는 여행 경비때문에 그저 마음일 뿐이다.

다행히 우버의 승객이었던 리즈 윌록의 도움을 받게 됐다.

필라델피아를 단숨에 달려온 앨리스 힐과 리즈 윌록은 서로 안면있어 오랜시간 대화를 가졌다.

힐의 아들 얘기가 나오자 윌록은 힐에게 정말 아들을 보러 리우에 가고 싶은지 물었다.

그는 당근 "가고 싶지만 여유가 안돼 갈수가 없다"고 말했다.

윌록은 "올림픽에 나가는 자식을 둔 부모는 모두 같은 마음일 것이다"

"내가 리우행 비행기 티켓을 구해주면 갈 것인가? 제의했고 힐은 "난 당신이 그런 생각이 갖고 있는 지 짐작도 못했다"

라고 답변했다.

그녀는  힐을 돕기로 결심한다.

윌록은 글로벌 컨시어지 서비스의 세일즈 총괄로 일하고 있다.

다음날 윌록은 "다렐의 아빠를 리우에 보냅시다! 라는 '고우펀드미 캠페인'을 시작한다.

7,500불을 목표로

이 이야기는 특히 록힐 뿐 아니라 다렐의 팀 동료들에 의해 일파만파 SNS로 퍼져나갔다.

150명의 기부자들이 모금에 참여하여 단 2일만에 목표액이 달성됐다.

이중 윌록이 아는 사람들은 10명에 불과하다. 나머지는 생면부지의 사람들이다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

Pennsylvania Uber driver, Ellis Hill, had a big dream: to see his son Darrell represent Team USA in shot put at the2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. But, he didn't have high hopes, given the travel costs that he knew he wouldn't be able to afford. Fortunately, that all changed in one chance pick-up of passenger Liz Willock. The hour-long ride in Philadelphia gave the two a long time to chat and get acquainted. When the topic turned to Hill's son Darrell, Willock asked if he was going to see his son compete. His answer—that he couldn't afford to fly down to Brazil—devastated Willock. "Here's this wonderful man who has a close relationship with his son," Willock toldPeople. "I know any parent would want to see their son or daughter compete at the Olympics, but it was very understandable how that could be out of reach." Still, she was eager to do something to help Hill cheer on his son.

Willock, a sales leader for a global concierge service, knew that she would have the contacts and resources necessary to get Hill to Rio. "She asked me, 'If I could get you a ticket would you go?'" Hill recalled. His response? "I don't even know you!" But, he could see the gears in her head already turning. She told him, "I believe you and I were fated to meet and I'm going to try to make this happen." Willock wouldn't take "no" for an answer. 

The next day, Willock set up a GoFundMe campaign called "Send Darrell's Dad to Rio," with the goal of $7,500. The campaign was shared enthusiastically across social media, especially by Darrell's Olympic teammates. Donations poured in and the goal was reached in 2 days! Both Hill and Willock were ecstatic about the quick success. "There has been so much sadness and violence in the news lately and this really restored my faith in humanity," Willock said. "We had over 150 people contribute and I think Ellis knew maybe 10 of them. The rest were strangers." 

Speaking of strangers, Willock and Hill are now good friends who talk on a regular basis. "Liz was only a stranger for about 5 minutes," Hill said. And because of her generosity, Hill will be front and center in the crowd on August 18th, when his son takes the field. "I haven't seen my son in a couple months because he's been training," Hill said. "I can't wait to see him and encourage him in person and let him know I'm 100 percent in his corner."

Above photo via GoFundMe

Darrell Hill suits up for Team USA/Image via Darrel Hill



