사우디 2020년까지 4만4천개 학교 건립 Saudi plans to build 44,000 new schools by 2020
Saudi plans to build 44,000 new schools by 2020
source constructionweekonline
edited by kcontents
사우디가 2020년까지 4만4천개의 학교를 건립한다.
GCC국가들은 2020년까지 5만개의 학교를 건설할 것으로 예상하고 있으며
사우디가 이중 88%를 차지하고 있다.
이는 취학 연령 인구가 급속도로 증가하는데 따른 대책이며 2020년 까지 15백만명에
이를 것이라고 언급했다.
이 학교 프로젝트는 4년동안 민간섹터로 시행될 예정이다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
by Yasmin Al Heialy on Aug 3, 2016
The GCC is expected to build 50,000 new schools across the region by 2020, 44,000 of which will be set up in Saudi Arabia.
Public and private investors plan to capitalise on the education sector in the GCC in the next four years, as part of a major school construction project across the region, Arab News reported.
Members of the upcoming International and Private Schools Education Forum (IPSEF) in the Middle East noted that the project comes as an effort to the rapidly-growing school-age population in the region, which is expected to reach 15 million by 2020, according to a GCC Education Industry report by Alpen Capital.
Rhona Greenhill, co-founder of IPSEF, said: “Experts estimate that about 51,000 schools will be needed by 2020 to accommodate the growing demand for schools throughout the GCC region.”
According to the report, 41,678 schools will be set up in the GCC's public education sector, and 9,301 schools in the private education sector.
By 2020, 44,441 new schools will built in Saudi Arabia, 2,054 in Oman, 1,497 in Kuwait, 1,406 in the UAE, followed by Qatar with 1,107, and Bahrain with 503.
“With the international and private school markets continuing to grow, and as competition increases, it is increasingly critical that schools and investors planning to open new operations in education develop strategies for success,” Greenhill added.
“To assist in this regard, IPSEF provides a unique reference point for all those involved in the financing, planning, design, delivery and management of a new school project.”