1백7십만년 전 인간에게서 종양 발견하다 World's oldest example of human cancer human tumour found in 1.7 million-year-old foot bone; VIDEO
World's oldest example of human cancer human tumour found in 1.7 million-year-old foot bone
1.7 million-year-old foot and 2 million-year-old vertebrae with cancer found
Modern medicine assumes that cancers are caused by modern lifestyles
This study show the origins occurred in our ancient relatives millions of years before modern industrial societies existed
암은 더 이상 현대의 병이 아니었다.
1백70만년전 고대 인간 발의 뼈에서 또하나는 등골에서 종양이 발견됐다.
현대 의학은 암이 현대의 생활패턴으로 인해 발생된 것이라고 추측해왔다.
이번 조사에서 암은 현대문명 수백만전부터 존재해왔다는 것을 반증하고 있다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
While an estimated 14.1 million people in the world are living with cancer, the origins of the devastating disease have remained a mystery.
Now, researchers have discovered ancient fossils which may give us clues on when cancer first started appearing in humans.
Scientists have discovered tumours in a 1.7 million year old foot bone and a 2 million year old back bone, which push the oldest date for this disease back into deep pre-history.
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