100년된 오페라 극장, 세상에서 가장 아름다운 도서관 변신 100-Year-Old Theatre in Buenos Aires Is Turned Into a Thriving Bookstore: VIDEO

100-Year-Old Theatre in Buenos Aires Is Turned Into a Thriving Bookstore


  책을 좋아하는 애독자라면 여행지를 아르헨티나의 부에노스 아이레스를 선택하는 것이 

좋을 듯하다.

부에노스 아이레스에는 무려 734개의 서점이 있다.

그야말로 세계 독서가들의 중심이다.

뿐만 아니라 100년된 오페라 극장을 개조한 엘 아테네오 도서관도 빼놓을 수 없다.

이 도서관은 2008년 세계에서 2번째로 아름다운 도서관을 선정된 바 있다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

By Cammie Finch July 15, 2016

Attention all book lovers! It's time to make Buenos Aires, Argentina your next travel destination. Not only does the city have about 734 bookstores—making it the bookstore capital of the world—it's also home to El Ateneo Grand Splendid, a pristine palace-turned-bookstore looming over Santa Fe Avenue in the Barrio Norte. Named by The Guardian as the second most beautiful bookshop in the world in 2008, El Ateneo is also one of the biggest. Visitors can expect to get lost in the shelves for hours. History and nostalgia lurk behind every corner.

The theatre shifted to a cinema during the 1920's and continued to operate as one until 2000, when it was retrofitted into the flagship store for Yenny-El Ateneo Publishing. Working closely with the historic structure of the building, architect Fernando Manzone was careful to leave the ceiling, the ornate wall detail, the stage curtains, and the auditorium lighting as it was. He only added to the "browse-ability" of the store—a café now lights up center stage; escalators plunge into the heart of the store; reading nooks and comfy chairs wait to be found on every balcony level. Thanks to the fact that books are exempt from standard sales tax, the book (and bookstore) are more alive in Buenos Aires than ever. More than a million people visit El Ateneo annually and buy 700,000 books a year.

Above photo credit: Ryan Poole

Photo credit: Diego Mala

Photo credit: Céline

Photo credit: Kara Brugman

Photo credit: Violinha

Photo credit: Jorge Láscar

Photo credit: Stanley Wood 

El Ateneo Grand Splendid: Website | Facebook
via [Twisted Sifter]


