에어콘 건설 조끼 Video: UAE labourers test air-conditioned vests

Video: UAE labourers test air-conditioned vests

UAE의 건설작업자들에게 냉방이되는 건설조끼를 입어볼 기회가 생겼다.

이 건설조끼는 특수 냉방 섬유재질과 물을 공급하는 기능을 가지고 있으며 

기업의 사회적 책임의 일부로 에미리트 NBD에 의해 제공된다.

물에 10분정도 넣었다가 입으면 최대 8시간동안 5~7도 정도 온도가 떨어진다.

현재 실용화를 위한 시험 중으로 자세한 사항은 동영상 참조

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

by James Morgan on Jul 13, 2016 

Construction workers in the UAE have been given the opportunity to try out air-conditioned (A/C) vests, which are made from special cooling fabric and function with the aid of water.

The high-tech apparel was distributed by Emirates NBD as part of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative during Ramadan.

After being submerged in water for five to 10 minutes, the vests reduce users’ body temperatures by 5°C to 7°C for up to eight hours.

In the following video, labourers who participated in the scheme explain how the A/C vests helped to make them more comfortable in the summer heat.



