아이슬랜드의 마지막 남은 유서 깊은 잔디 지붕 교회 19th Century House of Worship Is Last Remaining Green-Roofed Church in Iceland

19th Century House of Worship Is Last Remaining Green-Roofed Church in Iceland


통상 루프톱 지붕이라고 하면 도심 고층 빌딩 꼭대기에 있는 아늑한 라운지를 연상한다.

그러나 아이스랜드에 있는 호프스키르캬 교회와는 거리가 먼 얘기다.

호프스키르캬 교회는 1884년에 지어진 것으로 지붕에 잔디가 깔린 비대칭 건물로서 매우 

실용적이고 아릅답다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

By Stephanie Chang July 10, 2016

When we hear about rooftop gardens, most of us picture comfortable lounging spaces on top of metropolitan high-rises. However, the Hofskirkja church built in Iceland takes rooftop turf to a different level as the design is both beautiful, historical, and extremely practical.

Built in the customary style of Icelandic architecture in 1884, the basic structure of the church includes wooden trees used for the foundation, with the roof constructed out of large stone slabs and then entirely covered by a layer of natural greenery. The concept originated to help shield residents from harsh winter weather and increase insulation. According to local records, the church was built by a carpenter named Páll Pálsson and a famous blacksmith of his time, Þorsteinn Gissurarson.

While there are still a few remaining turf houses in Iceland, Hofskirkja church is the last turf church standing today. Originally built in memory of Saint Clement, the building still functions as a parish church. However, the National Museum of Iceland maintains and preserves the church as it is considered one of the six church monuments in the Museum’s Historic Buildings Collection.

National Museum of Iceland: Website | Facebook
via [Inhabitat]

All images via Creative Commons.


