미 경찰, 댈러스 경찰 살해범 사살 위해 치명적 로봇병기 최초 투입 First use of a lethal robot by US police: Details emerge of bomb disposal machine Dallas cops used to kill shooter Micah Xavier Johnson: VIDEO

카테고리 없음|2016. 7. 9. 13:33

First use of a lethal robot by US police: Details emerge of bomb disposal machine Dallas cops used to kill shooter Micah Xavier Johnson

  • Officials 'saw no other option but to use our bomb robot'
  • Placed a device on robot's arm for it to detonate where the suspect was
  • Believed to be first lethal use of an automated device by American police

폭발물 제거 로봇이자 범인을 추적하여 폭발시킬 수 있는 로봇 팔 장치 장착
미 경찰 최초로 범인 사살에 동원

The 'bomb robot' killing of a suspected Dallas shooter may be the first lethal use of an automated device by American police.

City police chief David Brown told reporters Friday that officials 'saw no other option' to avoid any further danger after sniper fire killed five Dallas officers.

'We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on its extension for it to detonate where the suspect was.'  

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3681356/First-use-lethal-robot-police-Details-emerge-bomb-disposal-machine-Dallas-cops-used-kill-shooter-Micah-Xavier-Johnson.html#ixzz4Dsk0UINo 



