160년된 카메라를 사용한 빈티지 초상화 사진기법 Photographer Uses 160-Year-Old Camera Equipment to Create Beautifully Haunting Portraits

Photographer Uses 160-Year-Old Camera Equipment to Create Beautifully Haunting Portraits

By Sara Barnes July 8, 2016

아름답고 잊혀질 수 없는 사진을 만들기 위해 옛날 카메라를 사용한다.

대부분의 사진작가들은 좋은 사진을 만들기 위해 더 좋은 카메라를 사용하려고 하지만

그러나 자일 클레멘트는 오래된 카메라를 더 좋아한다.

미 내쉬빌 출신의 이 사진작가는 드라매틱한 초상화를 연출하기 위해 160년된 카메라를 

사용해 작업한다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

Many photographers are excited to utilize the latest and greatest camera technology, but Giles Clement likes to keep things classic. The Nashville-based creative produces dramatic portraiture with equipment that was made more than 160 years ago, as he describes, “from an era when cameras were made by craftsmen in small shops and lenses were designed using slide rules, experience and feel.” These devices have their own technological shortcomings, but that’s precisely why Clement likes them. “The inherent flaws of these instruments lend themselves perfectly to my view of a beautifully imperfect world.”

Clement’s photographic approaches include tintype and its sister process, the ambrotype. These early and complicated techniques were popularized in the 1850s and 1860s. “Each [tintype] image takes 10 minutes to make, a bunch of equipment and a huge amount of light,” he explained to Instagram Blog. It’s these challenges, however, that excite Clement. “Even after shooting full time for 16 years, I still get a little kick of adrenaline each time I make a good image.”

The vintage portraits by Clement are striking—they’re dark, moody, and it feels like we’ve entered a time-warp just by looking at them. To showcase his ambrotypes, Clement has printed them on a glass plate, which he then has his subjects hold in front of them. This creates a fantastic juxtaposition where the past meets the present in one compelling, seamless composition.

Here's how Clement creates the haunting images:

Giles Clement: Website | Instagram | Facebook
via [Instagram Blog]


