쿠웨이트, 2,117km GCC철도네트워크 프로젝트 서두른다 Kuwait to facilitate 2,117km GCC Railway Network
Kuwait to facilitate 2,117km GCC Railway Network
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쿠웨이트가 154억불 규모의 2,117km GCC 철도네트워크 구축사업을 촉진한다.
쿠웨이트 장관은 6개국이 참여하는 사업에 각각의 나라가 보다 능동적으로 움직이게 하기 위하여 공동협력하기로 했다.
총 연장 2,117km의 철도건설은 쿠웨이트에서 시작해서 사우디 담만에서 2개의 노선으로 나누어지는데
바레인 마나마 - 카타르 도하로 연결되는 별도의 노선이 신설되며 담만에서 UAE 아부다비와 알아인 또 오만의 무스카트 방향이다.
쿠웨이트 장관은 이 메가 프로젝트에 일정에 대해 해당국들과 협의를 마쳤으며 몇몇 GCC국가들은 설계를 마치고 공사를 착수했다고 언급했다.
나머지 국가들은 아직 설계 작업 중이다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
Kuwait to facilitate 2,117km GCC Railway Network :
Kuwaiti minister said be co-operating with other Gulf states to implement the GCC railway networ to facilitate the movement of individuals and commodities across the six states.
The planned 2,117 km-long railway will start from Kuwait and go all the way towards Dammam city in Saudi Arabia, where it will bifurcate into three lines – one to Manama in Bahrain, another to Doha in Qatar and a third to Abu-Dhabi and Al-Ain in the UAE and the Muscat in Oman.
“The GCC leaders instructed their respective governments to attach great importance to this vital project, which will facilitate the movement of individuals and commodities among our countries.” Kuwaiti Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs Ali Al-Omair said Thursday following a meeting of the GCC ministers of transport and communication at the GCC Secretariat, Kuwait News Agency reported.
“The meeting discussed the progress made in this mega project,” he said, adding that some GCC members have finalised the design and have started implementing the project.
Some others, he said, are still working on the design.
“We have also discussed the GCC partnership in navigational assistance and standard controls for licensing the ship inspecting companies, as well as the single guidelines for traffic controllers,” he revealed.