1000 년 이전 불상, CT 촬영 후 놀라운 결과 Disputed Buddha statue with mummified monk inside withdrawn by Dutch owner: VIDEO

   네덜란드 미술관에 반입 된 중국 불상의 내부에 1000 년 이전 "即身仏"것으로 보인다 시신이 들어 있던 것으로 나타났다.

불상은 네덜란드에서 매물로 나와, 매입 한 개인 수집가가 자국 도렌쯔 미술관에 반입했다.
연구팀은 CT 검사에서 조사한 결과, 내장없는 미이라 시체가 중국의 문양을 한 천 위에 앉은 자세에서 들어 있었다.

A Buddha statue (left) containing a mummified monk (right) was actually stolen from a village temple twenty years 

ago, Chinese experts have claimed

Was brought to the Netherlands of the museum in the interior of the Chinese Buddha statue, it was found that that contained the bodies seen as "Sokumibotoke" of 1000 years ago.

Buddha statue is put up for sale in the Netherlands, private collection who have bought is brought to the country's Dolenz museum.

Where the research team has been examined by CT scan, the bodies were mummified with no internal organs, had entered in a posture that was sitting on top of the cloth that has been subjected to a Chinese pattern.

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