기존의 통념을 깨는 새로운 '블루 와인' New Bright Blue Wine Is Being Introduced in Europe

New Bright Blue Wine Is Being Introduced in Europe

By Leah Pellegrini June 20, 2016

   레드, 화이트 등 기존의 와인 색깔을 바꾼 새로운 와인이 유럽에서 출시됐다.

스페인 와인 브랜드 '긱'(Gik)은 '당신이 알고 있는 와인 상식을 모두 잊도록 해보세요'라며 이 특이한 와인을 소개했는데, 이 와인은 적포도와 백포도가 특정 비율로 섞여 있으며 숙성 과정 없이 만들어지는 것으로 알려졌다.

음식 전문 매체 '이터'(Eater)에 따르면 '긱'의 푸른 와인은 포도 껍질에 함유된 '안토시아닌'과 대청에 들어있는 '인디고'로 색을 냈으며, 알코올 함유량은 11.5%다. 긱의 공동창립자 아리츠 로페즈는 이터와의 인터뷰에서 '굉장히 혁신적인 것을 만들고 싶었다'며 파란 와인을 만들게 된 계기를 밝혔다.

긱(Gik)의 푸른 와인은 달콤한 화이트 와인의 맛에 가까우며, 스시, 나초, 까르보나라 파스타, 훈제 연어와 페어링 했을 때 잘 어울린다고 한다. 한편, 이 와인은 작년 스페인 출시 후 조만간 프랑스, 네덜란드, 영국과 독일로 시장을 확대할 것으로 알려졌다. <자료 허핑턴포스트

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터 ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

The six young innovators behind Gïk are bucking tradition with a brighter, bolder twist on everyone’s favorite fermented beverage. The winemakers have sourced a blend of red and white grapes from around Spain’s Basque region and mixed them with indigo dye and anthocyanin, a pigment in the grapes’ skin, to create a revolutionary vino in a startling shade of sapphire.

Gïk’s vineyards are mostly based in La Rioja, Zaragoza, León and Castilla-La Mancha, but the company says the locations and specific grape varieties aren’t important—what matters are the people behind the product, including both the growers and the vintners. However, the founders prefer to ditch the official industry terminology, referring to its winemakers instead as “creators,” including designers, programmers, artists, and musicians with flexible schedules and unconventional office spaces. The groundbreaking entrepreneurs are all in their twenties, and they have no bona fide expertise in the wine trade, though they did spend two years collaborating with the University of the Basque Country to hone their recipe.

Besides the shock factor, why did they choose the color blue? Gïk offers a number of symbolic explanations, including that fact that the tone “represents movement, innovation and infinity. It’s also a colour frequently associated with flow and change.” The look may be radical, but the taste is widely palatable: it’s supposedly sweeter than an average red or white, though it contains no added sugar. Each bottle has an 11.5% alcohol content and costs around $11, though it’s not yet available in the United States (Spain, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Germany can place orders online). Here’s hoping it hits American stores soon, as it’s sure to appeal to fellow millennial creators and creative types who are equally eager to shake up the classic cocktail hour.

Gïk: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
via [Hello Giggles, Time]

All images via Gïk.

