건설현장에서 유용한 마키타사의 로봇 청소기 New Makita Cordless RobotPro Vacuum – a Heavy Duty Roomba-Like Cleaner: VIDEO
어느 건설현장에서나 어수선한 환경을 정리정돈하는 일은 중요하다.
그중에서 청소는 가장 취약한 부분이다.
이런 점을 개선하기 위하여 일본의 마키타사가 고성능 무선 로봇 청소기를 출시했다.
Makita Robot Pro Vacuum (model RC200DZ)모델은 2개의 특허 전지를 사용하며
500m2 면적을 청소할 수 있다. 가격은 800불이다.
마키다사는 1915년에 설립된 세계적인 전동공구 전문 제작회사다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
The best part of any construction job is making a mess. The worst part is cleaning up. With all the talk of robots entering the job site and doing all the fun stuff for us, why in the world have we not been pouring money into robots that will clean for us?! Makita may have answered our prayers, as Makita Japan has released an automated robotic vacuum that can handle the odd materials in your workshop or job site.
We all know that regular household technology can’t handle the various rigors of the construction industry, we require bulked up products, such as these bulked up rugged smartphones. Robotic vacuums are no different. Try to throw a Roomba in a room full of wood debris and watch that thing overheat and collapse.
New Makita Cordless RobotPro Vacuum – a Heavy Duty Roomba-Like Cleaner: VIDEO