국수를 얼음 그릇에 담아 주는 교토의 레스토랑 Japanese Restaurant Serves Noodles in Elegant Ice Cube Bowls
Japanese Restaurant Serves Noodles in Elegant Ice Cube Bowls
By Sara Barnes June 20, 2016
음식을 세라믹 그룻에 먹는 것은 옛날 얘기다.
미국에서는 통째로 먹을 수 있는 브레드볼(빵으로 만든 그릇)이
인기지만 일본은 여기에 더 시원하게 먹을 수 있는 방법을 고안했다.
일본 교토에 있는 덴부라 맛수(Tempura Matsu ) 레스토랑은
얼음으로 만든 그릇에 국수을 담아 손님들에게 제공하고 있다.
'이나니와 우동'이라 불리우는 이 혁신적인 음식은 쑥(mugwort)을
재료로 만들어졌으며 와사비와 함께 제공되고 있다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
Eating food out of a ceramic dish is so passé. In the United States, bread bowls are a popular way to break that convention, but Japan has created something that’s much cooler—literally. The Tempura Matsu restaurant in Kyoto is serving noodles in a bowl made of ice.
Called inaniwa udon, the innovative dish is made from mugwort and served with wasabi and a raw egg yolk. It occupies a tiny space that’s been scooped out a rectangular ice block, for a stunning visual effect—the translucency shows a cross-sectioned view of the food’s various textures as well as an array of abstracted shapes.
Diners at Tempura Matsu are pleased with both the look and taste of the inaniwa udon, and they’ve since been posting mouth-watering pictures of the dish. They’ll make you’ll want to start planning your trip!
Above photo credit: @sealbank
Photo credit: @little_meg_siu_megPhoto credit: @little_meg_siu_meg
Photo credit: @ekwan2
Photo credit: @hkvoodie
Photo credit: @no_sharebear
Photo credit: @naoko1023
via [RocketNews24]