UAE 바라카 원전 한전 협력사 근로자 2명 사망 Two workers die in accident at UAE nuclear plant site

Two workers die in accident at UAE nuclear plant site

The first nuclear reactor at Barakah, in the Western Region, is set to go online next year. Christopher Pike / The National

  한국 건설업체가 시공하고 있는 UAE 바라카 원전에서 지난달 12일 2명의 한전 협력사 근로자가 사망하고 3명이 부상당했다고 UAE 원자력에너지공사(이하 ENEC)가 밝혔다..

이번 사고는 2009년 최초 공사 착수한 이래 1만 9천명이 일하고 있는 현장에서 1억9천만 인시 기록이 깨지는 최초로 발생한 중대 재해사고다.

ENEC는 사망자 유족에게 보상절차는 이미 완료되었으며 부상자들은 인근 병원에서 치료 중이며 한전측은 사고원인을 파악하고 이에 대한 적절한 조치를 취했다고 언급했다.

정확한 사고 원인은 밝혀지지 않았다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

The National staff

June 18, 2016

ABU DHABI // Two construction workers were killed and three injured in an accident at the Barakah nuclear energy plant site in Al Gharbia.

The five men were working with a man basket held by a crane. The May 12 accident did not happen in any nuclear-related building, the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation said.

The company “expressed our sincere condolences to the families affected and our hearts and prayers continue to go out to them in relation to their loss".

Compensation has been paid to the dead men’s families and the injured men were treated in hospital. All five were employed by a subcontractor of the Korea Electric Power Corporation, or Kepco, which is the main Barakah contractor.

Enec said the contractor had identified the cause of the accident and had taken corrective action.

The company said it was “committed to ensuring lessons learnt are embedded into training and procedures to ensure the nuclear-industry culture of safety continues".

This was the first loss of life as a result of construction at the Barakah site, Enec said. There have been almost 190 million man-hours since building began in 2009, and more than 19,000 workers are employed at the site.

Kepco, the world’s third-largest nuclear energy company, was awarded the prime contract to design, build and operate four 1,400MW nuclear power plants at Barakah. The first is expected to start operating next year and the other three by 2020.


