식량부족을 대비한 귀뚜라미 농장 Would you eat CRICKETS reared in this bizarre looking farm? : VIDEO

Would you eat CRICKETS reared in this bizarre looking farm? 

Futuristic pod is a shelter for breeding and storing insect food

The Cricket Shelter (pictured) is a spiky plastic building made of modules that are used to rear crickets. The spikes help to capture the wind and provide ventilation for the insects. It can also be used to provide food in the form of a modular farm

미래의 유선형 공간 
이곳은 귀뚜라미를 기르는 모듈러 농장이다.

번식이 잘되게 하기 위하여 삐죽삐죽 솟아오른 송풍통이 설치되어 있다.

뉴욕의 비영리단체인 '터리폼 원'이 식량부족을 대비해 개인용도로 만들었다.
귀뚜라미를 키우는 이유는 고기보다 더 많은 단백질과 영양분때문이라고 말한다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

  • Modular farm, called a Cricket Shelter, is made of individual modules and feeding sacks that are stacked together
  • They form a cave with spikey wind sails on top to capture wind and provide ventilation to the crickets below
  • It has been designed by New York based non-profit organisation Terreform ONE as a way to solve food shortages
  • They say crickets contain more protein and nutrients than traditional sources of meat from livestock

It looks more like an alien spaceship than the farm of the future, but a spiky plastic pod could soon be keeping us fed with an unusual type of food - crickets.

Designers behind the Cricket Shelter are hoping their space-age farm could help to solve the impending food crisis that faces the world as populations continue to grow.

They believe that munching on a fistful of protein-rich and nutritious crickets could provide the solution.

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