무늬 벽지가 불필요한 '패턴 페인트 롤러' Ingenious Embossed Rollers Create Seamlessly Repeating Patterns in One Easy Motion

Ingenious Embossed Rollers Create Seamlessly Repeating Patterns in One Easy Motion

By Sara Barnes June 16, 2016

스탬프처럼 만들어진 무늬가 들어가 있는 롤러로 벽지에 찍기만 하면 되는

패턴 페인트 롤러 

영국의 클레어 보산퀘트(Clare Bosanquet)가 개발했다.

클레어 보산퀘트(Clare Bosanquet)

출처 craftymag.com

그녀는 루마니아 시장에서 무늬가 달린 롤러를 발견하고 상품가치를 느껴

2달간에 걸쳐 같은 형태의 롤러들을 구입해 연구에 몰두했다고 한다.

두 종류의 롤러를 개발했는데

하나는 평편한 표면에 그냥 찍기만 하면 되는 엠보싱 형태의  6인치 짜리 

무늬롤러와 천이나 종이 나무 벽 등에 사용할 수 있게  약간 변형시킨 

무늬롤러가 있다. 


형태가 다른 패턴 롤러. 좌측은 천벽지에 사용되는 롤러다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

Clare Bosanquet was at a market in Romania when she stumbled upon a special type of paint roller that had a design carved into its form. Excited by the creative possibilities, the UK-based artist spent the next two months lugging around many of these rollers and “regretting her cumbersome purchase.” The struggle was worth it, however, because it was the start of The Painted House, her shop that sells this type of decorative art tool.

Bosanquet has created a two-part kit that anyone can use to print on nearly any flattened surface. One element is a six-inch wide patterned roller that features an embossed design. The other part is an applicator—one for use on fabric and the other for paper, wood, and walls. The carved rollers are versatile and can be placed in either type of applicator. When rolled, they have the look of a block print or stamp.

Bosanquet’s seamless repeating patterns include natural imagery—birds, flowers, and deer—as well as fancy flourishes. It’s an easy way to add some pizzazz to your wall or upcycle old fabric. Check out the entire selection inThe Painted House Etsy shop.

Clare Bosanquet: Website | Etsy | Facebook
via [Culture N Lifestyle]


