What are the health benefits of drinking coffee on a regular basis? 8 Answers

What are the health benefits of drinking coffee on a regular basis? 8 Answers

source keurigmodelsreviews.com

Let go to know the benefits of delicious coffee in order to recognize the importance of coffee in our daily lives in order to enjoy a happy life

1-Coffee Lowers Effects of Liver Damage

One great thing to look forward to in drinking your daily coffee is that it is providing your liver with necessary protection if you have had a few too many the night before. Coffee drinkers who also imbibe in alcohol have been known to have a lower risk of cirrhosis to the liver. Though you should do all things in moderation, like drinking, the benefit coffee provides is priceless!

2-Coffee Increases Happiness  

There is a John Hopkins study out there showing that daily coffee drinking will add to your overall happiness because of the amounts of dopamine that are being pumped into your bloodstream. But remember to keep your dosage under two cups per day because that will otherwise put you at risk for higher anxiety. It is a delicate balance!

3-Lean on Your Antioxidants

What most coffee drinkers are loving is the amount of antioxidants that they can get just by drinking their delicious brew. Antioxidants are what you need to fight all of the free radicals that can cause cell damage spreading through your body. Coffee is not the highest in antioxidants, but it is the most consumed source out there.

4-Environmentally Friendly

There are huge chances that in the future we will all be running our cars with the cheaper option that is fuel made from coffee bean oils, so there you have better environmental protection, as well as a multitude of health benefits from cleaning up our earth. Who knew that the bean had so much to offer?

5-Boost Your Short Term Memory

Huh? If that sounds like you, then you need to remember to drink your daily java since it has been proven to give you the brain sharpening tools that you need in memory enhancement. Drinkers of coffee have been known to have shorter reaction times and faster short term memory functions, which means that drinking decaf will not pep you up mentally as much as you might like to be. 

6-Cut the Risk of Heart Disease by 25% for Women

A study by Esther Lopez-Garcia of Universidad Autonoma de Madrid reported that women who drink two to three cups of coffee per day had a 25 percent lower risk of death from heart disease and a smaller decreased risk was also seen for men

7-Cut the Risk of Diabetes by 60%

Coffee contains antioxidants, including a group of compounds called quinines which in a study to lab rats, its increased sensitivity improves the body response to insulin.

8-Cut the Risk of Stroke by 43% for Women

A study of 83,000 nurses who have never smoked shows that 4 cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of stroke by 43%.

9-Lowered the Risk of Committing Suicide by 60% for Women

A 10-year study of 86,000 women shows that 2 cups of coffee per day can reduced the likelihood to commit suicide by 60%.

10-Protect You from Cold

Caffeine acts as decongestant as it opens narrowed bronchial tubes.



