두산밥캣, 독일 바우마 전시회서 150대 건설장비 수주 Doosan Bobcat sells 150 machines at Bauma 2016

Doosan Bobcat sells 150 machines at Bauma 2016


   두산밥캣 유럽지사(EMEA)가 2016 독일 바우마 건설장비 전시회에서 150대의 건설장비를 수주했다.

100대 이상의 콤팩트 로우더와 콤팩크 백호, 텔리핸들러 등이 장비 전시회 기간동안 팔렸다.

대형장비회사인 두산인프라코어도 5종의 신형 휠 굴삭기,  연접식 덤프트럭을 선보였다.

밥캣은 세계적인 소형건설장비 브랜드로 두산의 자회사이다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

by James Morgan on Jun 13, 2016 

Doosan Bobcat EMEA secured more than 150 machine orders at Bauma 2016 in Munich, Germany.

The original equipment manufacturer said that its exhibition stand was a “great success’, and that it generated “a huge number of sales leads” through post-show follow-up activities.

More than 100 Bobcat compact loaders, compact excavators, and telehandlers were sold on the firm’s stand during the exhibition. The E17, E19, and E20 one-to-two-tonne compact excavators attracted the highest levels of interest, according to Doosan Bobcat.

The firm also used the show to debut the new Bobcat Stage IV engine and its prototype E10 model, a one-tonne electrically powered micro-excavator.

In addition, the South Korean-owned company showcased a selection of heavy machinery from Doosan, with five new wheeled excavators, two crawler excavators, and two wheel loaders on display.

The manufacturer secured 40 orders for Doosan units, including tracked and wheeled excavators, wheel loaders, and articulated dump trucks.

Doosan Bobcat also registered sales and enquiries for compressors, generators, and lighting systems from the Doosan Portable Power range.



