Looking for love? Forget the dating apps and get a pet

Looking for love? 

Forget the dating apps and get a pet

by Lucy Moore | 9 June 2016

A dog can help you find love

Many people seek relationships online via apps according to comparethemarket.com, however you could find 'the one' while walking your dog. In fact, one in five people who work full time come across a new partner while they are out walking with their pet.

If you've suddenly found yourself living alone following a break up- fear not- 45% of singles have started a positive conversation with a stranger while they were exercising their dog. This led onto friendships with the potential for more in many cases.

And what's more attractive than being with a happy partner? Research suggests that having a pet makes you a happier person- 55% of pet owners consider themselves very happy with their life.

The study also found that having a pet has a positive influence on your relationships too. Again- over half of animal lovers are very satisfied with their romantic life. 41% even went as far as to say that their pet brought them closer to their partner.

It would appear that pet owners in the north are much more approachable than those in the south. 44% would start a conversation with a stranger compared to just 25% of Londoners.

Londoners are not entirely to blame- there is a lack of space in the city, which means people are restricted when it comes to owning a larger sociable pet. Londoners are more likely to own a cat than a dog.

It's no surprise then that dogs are most popular in the north where there is more space to let their dogs run around.

Gemma Sonfield, Head of Pet Insurance at comparethemarket.com explains: "As a nation of pet lovers, many of us will be familiar with the list of benefits they bring to our everyday lives. These results just go to show how pets can help break down those social barriers and anxiety that some people suffer from. Pets are a great way to push us out of our comfort zone, expand our social circles and generally make us feel happier in life."

Read more: http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/relationships/pets-and-love-955139.html#ixzz4BYVSlmLf


