혁신적인 반구형 저심도 터널 시공기술 동영상 TOMAS - Cut and cover tunnel technology: VIDEO

TOMAS - Cut and cover tunnel technology


저심도의 반구형 터널 굴착 장비

높은 지하수위의 지반 굴착 가능 

별도의 배수작업 필요 없으며 배토처리 장비에 의해 물과 혼합된 굴착토 제거

표준화된 분절 세그먼트 공법 사용 

- 공장또는 현장 제작의 연속 프리캐스트 포스트텐션 세그먼트

토머스사 제작

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

The TOMAS Surface Tunneling technology is based on three innovations:

1. Building a semi circular tunnel from the surface in soils with high water table without draining or pumping out the sub-surface water.

2. Removing the soil mixed with water within a half round shield with standard cutter dredging technology adapted for this application.

3. Using standard segmented tunneling sections to shape the tunnel, but fixing these segments with post-tensioning under a continuous precast or cast on site concrete beam fixed and supported or held by rakes of piles.

Benefits of this technology are:

- Short construction time because of fast building (50-80 mtrs/day)

- Low investment cost

- Limited construction space required

- No ground dewatering required

- Soil removal by dredging is the cheapest way of moving soil

- Material transport can be done through finished tunnel

- Minimum impact on the environment

- Use is made of well-known technologies

- Innovative construction method with international potential


