요르단 페트라서 거대 유적 발견 Incredible ancient structure found 'hidden in plain sight' in Petra: VIDEO
경제문화 Economy, Culture/얘기꺼리 Gosship2016. 6. 10. 20:38
Can you spot the giant ceremonial platform twice as wide as an Olympic swimming pool?
Incredible ancient structure found 'hidden in plain sight' in Petra
미국 버밍햄 앨라배마대의 새라 파캑이 이끄는 연구팀은 페트라 도심에서 남쪽으로
800m가량 떨어진 곳에서 2150년전 올림픽 수영장 두 개 크기인 56m×49m의
구조물 바닥을 찾아냈다.
- 'Large rectangular platform' that measures about 184 feet by 160 feet
- Within platform is another, smaller one with columns
- Was discovered using drone and plane footage of the area
Researchers have made an astonishing find at the famous Petra World Heritage site in Jordan.
A giant new monumental platform was discovered just half a mile from the city centre.
The archaeologists describe the unparalleled find as 'a large rectangular platform' that measures about 184 feet by 160 feet and was essentially 'hiding in plain site.'