대동공업, 1억1900만불 규모 두산인프라코어 소형디젤장비 납품 계약 체결 Doosan outsources diesel engines in $119m deal

Doosan outsources diesel engines in $119m deal

출처 대동공업

edited by kcontents 

   농기계 전문회사인 대동공업이 두산인프라코어의  1억1900만불 규모(1421억6664만원)의 

소형 디젤엔진 제작 납품 건을 수주했다.

2020년까지 연간 최대 2만대의 기계식 다기통 디젤엔진(1.0~2.4ℓ)을 제조자개발생산(ODM) 

방식으로 공급하게 된다.

국내 엔진 전문기업 간 ODM 공급 계약은 이번이 처음이다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

by John Bambridge on Jun 6, 2016 

South Korean machinery manufacturer, Doosan Infracore has awarded agricultural manufacturer Daedong Industrial a contract worth $119m for the long-term supply of its smaller diesel engines.

Under the terms of the deal, Daedong Industrial will supply 20,000 diesel engines annually to Doosan up until 2020 in an original development manufacturing (ODM) arrangement aimed at reducing the beleaguered equipment giant’s production overheads.

Daedong Industrial will supply eight of the OEM’s smaller diesel engines for generators and industrial applications, including the 3C100, 3A139, 3A165, 3B183, 4A220, 4A220T, 4B243 and 4B243T.

By improving the price competitiveness of Doosan’s smaller diesel engine products, the deal is expected to strengthen Doosan’s competitiveness in the smaller segments and in overseas markets.

Doosan Infracore will continue to manufacture its larger diesel engines, from 1.8l to 2.7l in capacity.



