세계 최대 모로코 태양광 발전단지 Moroccan City to Build the World's Largest Solar Power Plant:VIDEO

Moroccan City to Build the World's Largest Solar Power Plant

By Kristine Mitchell June 5, 2016

세계 최대 규모의 태양광 발전소로 건설되고 있는 와르자자트 단지

모로코의 최대 자원은 태양광이다. 

모로코 정부는 태양광 발전을 위해 총 90억 달러의 투자 계획을 세워놓고 있다. 

이중 30%에 가까운 26억 달러가 와르자자트 태양광 발전소 건설에 투입된다. 

누르1~누르4라는 총 4개 구간의 프로젝트로 진행된다. CNN방송은 11일(현지시간) “와르자자트 태양광 발전소 4개 구간 모두를 합치면 미국 뉴욕 센트럴파크의 9배 정도에 해당된다”며 “이들 4개 구간의 발전소가 모두 가동을 시작할 경우 100만 가구 정도가 충분히 사용할 수 있는 전력을 생산하게 된다”고 보도했다. <출처: CNN방송> 2016.03.11뉴시스

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

Earlier this year, His Majesty Mohammed VI of Morocco flipped the switch on the first section of a massive solar plant which spans thousands of acres and is able to generate 160 megawatts of power. Aiming to harness the 3,000 hours of sunlight the sunny land receives each year, this massive grid will cover 6,000 acres and become the world’s largest concentrated solar power production facility upon completion. The plant is located on the edge of the Saharan desert, in the town of Ourzazate, where several famous films and TV shows have been filmed (including The Mummy and Game of Thrones). The massive construction is about the size of Morocco’s capital city, able to be seen from space, and is set to provide electricity to 1.1 million people.

Currently, the country imports resources to meet 97% of it’s energy needs. Understanding the demand for clean energy sources and rising oil prices, Morocco is working towards a vision of renewable energy production as a viable option that can be implemented throughout the country. With the initiation of  Noor I, the first of three sections that will make up the finalized grid, Morocco is set to save hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions each year.  The African country aims to generate 42% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, scaling that up to 52% by 2030.

Above image via United Nations Information Center

Image via Power-Technology

The solar farm works by using hundreds of thousands of curved mirrors, which direct solar heat to a fluid-filled pipeline. This liquid is then heated to 393 °C (approximately 739 °F) and used to heat a water source, which evaporates into steam that drives a turbine to generate electrical power. The simple process is also able to store the solar heat in molten salts, even when the sun isn't directly driving the mechanism.

“It is a very, very significant project in Africa,” said Mafalda Duarte, the manager of Climate Investment Funds (CIF), which provided $435m (£300m) of the $9 billion project’s funding. “Morocco is showing real leadership and bringing the cost of the technology down in the process.” If the project progresses as expected, energy produced will be exported to Europe and Mecca while providing a clean source of electricity to the homes of millions of local citizens.

View of Noor I from space // Image via Nasa

via [The Verge]


