세계 최장 철도 터널 '고트하르트 베이스 터널(GBT)', 착공 17년 만 1일 개통 Gotthard Base Tunnel: World's longest rail tunnel opens in Switzerland :VIDEO

Gotthard Base Tunnel: World's longest rail tunnel opens in Switzerland

17 years and $12 billion after it started, Switzerland has smashed through the previous record in a move that it hopes can show the importance of co-operation between countries

Andrew Griffin @_andrew_griffin 

Journalists walk in front of mock gates of the NEAT Gotthard Base Tunnel inside the event hall for the upcoming opening ceremony near the town of Erstfeld, Switzerland REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann

스위스와 이탈리아를 잇는 세계 최장 최고 심도의 철도 터널인 고트하르트 베이스 터널(GBT)이 착공 17년 만에 1일 개통했다. 

스위스 에르스트펠트~보디오까지 이어지는 이 터널은 총 57㎞에 달하며  세이칸 터널(53.9㎞)보다 3.1㎞가 더 길어 세계 최장의 철도 터널로 기록됐다.

심도도 고트하르트 산 아래 2.3㎞로 세계 최고이다.

터널의 개통으로 취리히~루가노까지 통행시간이 45분 단축됐다. 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

Switzerland is opening up the world’s biggest railway tunnel, 17 years and $12 billion after it committed to break the record.

It is holding a celebration for the completion of the 35-mile Gotthard Base Tunnel, which runs through the Alps. The leaders of France, Germany and Italy will all be gathering to celebrate the tunnel’s record-breaking completion in an event that is being used to celebrate the achievements of Europe amid fears of nationalism and increasing distrust of other countries.

The full festivities will see 1,200 guests travel to open up the tunnel – and will cost about €8m in all. But they won’t get to see it actually go into service until December, with test runs being conducted until then.

The new tunnel will help people travel through the area more quickly – cutting 45 minutes off the journey across Switzerland – as well as easing the heavy traffic that can gather there. It will also look to reduce the work done by the polluting lorries that drive between the north and south of Europe.

When it opens in December, 260 freight trains and 65 passenger trains will travel through the two-way, long tunnel each day.



