중국, 교통 인프라에 2020년까지 7,250억 달러 집중 투자 China to spend USD 725 billion to expand rural transportation

China to spend USD 725 billion to expand rural transportation

China’s unique topography, particularly in the south and southwestern parts of the country, has left numerous communities 

somewhat isolated from the rest of the country. (Representational image) (Reuters) source financialexpress.com

   중국 당국이 3년 동안 교통 인프라 개발 프로젝트에 7,250억 달러를 투자할 예정이라고 중국 인터네셔널 라디오(CRI)가 전했다.  이 기간 동안 중국은 300개 이상의 신규 사업을 추진한다.

CRI에 따르면 대다수 프로젝트의 주요 목적은 도로와 철도 건설이다. 교통 인프라 구축을 통해 저개발 지역을 점차적으로 발전시켜 나가겠다는 복안이다.

중국 국가발전개혁위원회에 따르면 2020년까지 철도, 도로, 수로, 공항, 지하철 등 303개 프로젝트에 자금을 투입할 계획이며 

중국의 전체 국민들의 삶의 질을 높이는 것을 목표로 하고 있다.

중국 정부 보고 문서에 따르면 2016년 철도 구축에 1,230억 달러를 투자한다.

철도 및 도로 교통 인프라 사업의 총 투자 금액은 3,770억 달러가 될 것으로 전망된다.


Press Trust of India  |  Beijing 

May 30, 2016

China will spend a whopping USD 725 billion in major transport projects to provide reliable transportation access in remote areas as part of its three year plan aimed to eradicate poverty in the country by 2020. 

A massive spending plan has been outlined to try to give more reliable transportation access to China's more remote areas where over 70 million of the country's poor live. 

As part of a new 3-year outline for transportation development, over 300 new projects have been laid out. 

Among them are a significant number of projects to connect the country's more isolated, and often impoverished, regions with regional hubs through road and rail, state-run 'China Radio International' reported. 

The massive spending plans are part of a pledge to pull everyone in China above the poverty line by 2020, said Zheng Jian with the National Development and Reform Commission. 

"We think access to more reliable forms of movement is the linchpin to helping people out of poverty. This is why we've incorporated rural road construction in our new plans, which will link these remote areas to regional hubs in the next 3-years," Zhang said. 

China's unique topography, particularly in the south and southwestern parts of the country, has left numerous communities somewhat isolated from the rest of the country. 

This has limited their access to government support, leaving them at the bottom of the development curve. 

The new transportation spending plan also includes projects to create better links in China's major centres, including inter-city links in the Yangtze and Pearl River Delta regions, as well as throughout the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area. 

Chinese officials say more than 600 million people have been lifted out of poverty in the last three decades. 

Despite this, China still has 70.17 million people in the countryside living below the country's poverty line. 

Most of the poor live in remote areas and the government has announced plans to lift them above poverty line by 2020.



