한전(KEPCO), 두바이 스마트그리드스테이션(SGS) 1단계 사업 착공 DEWA-KEPCO break ground on Smart Grid Station

  한전(KEPCO)과 두바이수전력청(DEWA)이 추진하는 스마트그리드스테이션 구축사업 

1단계 착공식이 거행됐다

source khaleejtimes.com

스마트그리드와 스마트빌딩의 융합을 목적으로 하는 이번 개발사업은 스마트홈, 광전지 패널, 

풍력발전, 에너지저장장치(ESS), 스마트워터시티, 스마트 쿨링시스템 등  스마트 도시구축사업이 

전개될 예정이다.

착공식에는 한전의 조환익 사장과 DEWA의 사이드 알 타예르 사장이 참석했다.

두바이수전력청(DEWA)과 한전(KEPCO)은 작년 11월 스마트 그리드스테이션을 건설하기로 

계약 체결한 바 있다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

DEWA-KEPCO break ground on Smart Grid Station

DEWA and KEPCO officials attended SGS's ground-breaking ceremony.


by Neha Bhatia on May 25, 2016 

Korea Electric Power Company (KEPCO) will work with DEWA on the development. 

The project is aimed at combining smart grids and smart buildings. 

Saeed al Tayer, managing director and CEO of DEWA, said: "DEWA is exploring the concept of Smart Grid Stations, which connect smart buildings to each other to share information, to help improve energy and water efficiency and make optimal use of renewable energy within a smart city.

"Upon completing the project, we will cooperate with KEPCO to construct a group of smart residential buildings, further transforming Dubai into a smart city," Al Tayer added, according to Dubai Media Office.

The development features smart elements such as smart homes, photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, an energy-storage system, a smart water system, a smart-cooling system, energy-demand units, distribution automation, smart devices, and smart lighting. 

DEWA signed a contract with KEPCO in November 2015 to build the SGS at its green vehicle workshop in Ruwayyah. 


