세계에서 가장 강력한 X- 레이 레이저의 액상 폭발 영상 Watch the world's most powerful X-ray laser blow up droplets of water..: VIDEO
산업과학 Construction,Science/IT 과학 IT & Science2016. 5. 25. 20:22
Watch the world's most powerful X-ray laser blow up droplets of water: Incredible footage shows liquid explosions up close
액상은 샘플을 엑스레이 빔 경로로 가져오는 일반적 방법이지만 완전한 파워에서
엑스레이 레이저는 1초안에 샘플을 날려버릴 수 있다.
최근의 이 실험은 엑스레이 레이저의 용도를 개선시키기 위해 계획됐다.
과학자들은 어떤 상태에서 액상이 증발하는지 또 폭발하는지 규명하고 싶어한다.
- Liquids are a common way of bringing samples into path of X-ray beam
- But, at full power, X-rays can blow up samples in a fraction of a second
- The latest experiments are designed to improve the use X-ray lasers
- Scientists want to understand under what conditions liquids vapourise
Scientists have captured the world's most powerful X-ray laser vapourising liquids at a microscopic level.
These lasers use extremely bright, fast flashes of light take atomic-level snapshots of some of nature's speediest processes.
The latest experiments are designed to improve the use X-ray lasers, and better understand how they cause liquids to explode.
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Scientists have captured the world's brightest X-ray laser vapourising liquids. These lasers use extremely bright, fast flashes of light take atomic-level snapshots of some of nature's fastest processes