"전세계 석탄·천연가스·재생에너지 비중, 2040년에는 비슷해진다 World Energy Outlook 2016
세계에서 가장 빠른 성장 에너지원
2012년부터 2040년까지 매년 2.6% 증가
최신 보고서에 따르면, 2012년 석탄 의존도가 40%지만 이 무렵부터 엄청난 변화가 일어나기 시작해 2040년에는 석탄, 천연가스, 재생에너지가 공급하는 전세계 전기량이 거의 비슷한 비율(28~29%)에 이를 전망이다.
source eia.gov
edited by kcontents
11일 미국 에너지정보국(EIA)이 발간한 ‘국제 에너지 전망 2016(International Energy Outlook 2016)’은 신재생에너지가 현재 세계에서 가장 빠르게 성장하고 있는 에너지 원이며, 2012년부터 2040년까지 매년 2.6% 증가할 것으로 예상했다.
수력과 풍력은 전세계 발전량에서 가장 큰 비중을 차지하는 2가지 재생에너지원이라고 이 보고서는 전했다. 수력과 풍력은 2012년부터 2040년까지 신재생에너지 증가량에서 2/3를 차지할 것으로 관측됐다
Lucas Mearian | Computerworld
출처 ciokorea
World Energy Outlook 2016
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The successful outcome of COP21 has raised hopes and expectations of more concerted global efforts to tackle climate change, but how will the various country climate pledges made in Paris really affect the efficiency and carbon footprint of the energy sector? Will market dynamics change for oil, natural gas and coal - or might the slump in prices for some fuels be here to stay? How can governments address the impact of local pollution, often energy-related, on air quality?
The World Energy Outlook 2016 (WEO-2016) series – including a special report in June and the full Outlook in November – will seek to shed light on these questions and more, all with the customary mix of rigorous quantitative modelling and insightful analysis. The WEO-2016 series will include a particular focus on the following topical issues:
- The impact of COP21: WEO-2016 will track progress with the implementation of the different pledges made at COP21 and judge what they mean for long-term energy trends. Based on this assessment, it will examine and present policy options to bridge the gap and reach climate objectives.
- Major focus on renewables: renewable energy is vital to steer the energy system to the low-carbon future envisioned in the Paris agreement. This analysis will assess the rapid improvement in the competitiveness and economics of renewables, relative to fossil-fuels and other low carbon options, as well as the opportunities and questions that a rising share of renewable energy open up for the energy system as a whole.
- The road ahead for fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas remain the bedrock of global energy use but all face an uncertain period of adjustment, both to today’s market conditions and – over the longer term – to the prospect of a new policy landscape post-COP21. With lower prices bringing down the axe on many new projects, WEO-2016 will assess the impact on tomorrow’s market balances and the different pathways and risks that lie further ahead.
- Mexico’s energy outlook: the comprehensive energy reform package passed in Mexico will have profound effects on the country’s energy sector development. This analysis will evaluate the potential impact of the reforms for Mexico’s upstream as well as its power sector and wider economy.
- Energy and water: Energy depends on water, and water requires energy. This analysis will assess current and future freshwater requirements for energy production, highlighting potential vulnerabilities and key stress points.
- Special report on energy and air quality (to be released in June): Energy-related air pollution leads to millions of premature deaths and costs the global economy trillions of dollars each year; with growing demand for energy services in the future, the already high costs of air pollution risk increasing dramatically. This special report, the first of its kind, will provide new analysis to help decision-makers tackle an issue of pressing social and political concern.