NATURALLY NOOD BARS: An Open Letter To Sanitarium From Dom’s Kitchen.

NATURALLY NOOD BARS: An Open Letter To Sanitarium From Dom’s Kitchen.

Naturally Nood Bars – A classic example of greenwashing.

April 5, 2016 

In this week’s Sunday Soapbox I’m ranting about greenwashing in respect of the new Naturally Nood Bars from Sanitarium. We’ve seen it with Pepsi Next and Coke Life and well be seeing it a whole lot more. Just look at all the products marked “gluten free” that are free of gluten but are full of all other manner of undesirable ingredients.

Before getting into my little rant though I wanted to make the point that I absolutely get it that there are foods out there that are much worse for our kids than the ones I’m talking about here. But the thing is, I don’t need to tell you guys that deep fried mars bars and Coke are not good for your children.

The foods I tend to talk about here are the pseudo healthy foods. Those ones that claim to be “healthy” and beneficial for our kids. So it’s not always that the foods in and of themselves are terrible – but rather the manner in which they’re marketed which I consider takes advantage of busy tired parents.

In essence what I object to is the slick branding that purports (and not just a little bit but emphatically) to turn a highly processed product into some kind of healthy option for you to feed your children. Branding that perpetuates the myth that an expensive product with just “a cheeky touch” of something undesirable is the best that can be done by way of processed product (when it’s not). Or that we as parents don’t have the time to make our own snacks for our kids (when more than likely we do).

In respect of the product I discuss here it honestly would take you about 10 minutes to make your own with less sugar and no nasties (as in absolutely nothing known to be inflammatory).

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