말레이지아 고속철 철도차량 수주 경쟁 치열 Upcoming Malaysia-Singapore high-speed rail sparks interest from train makers
Upcoming Malaysia-Singapore high-speed rail sparks interest from train makers
source flipboard.com
다가오는 말레이지아-싱가포르 고속철 사업에 차량 제작업체들의 수주 경쟁이 치열하다.
경쟁 나라는 한국과 일본 중국 등이다. 이들 세나라는 말레이지아-싱가포르 사이의 고속철 사업 MOU전부터 말레이지아에서 쇼케이스를 벌어왔다.
5월 5일 쿠알라룸푸르의 직접 운전하는 일본 신칸센 시물레이터 전시관은 말레이지아사람들의 많은 주목을 끌었다.
일본은 2011부터 신칸센에 운영 해온 E5를 적용한다.
중국의 쇼케이스도 만만치 않다.
중국 철도그룹(CREC)은 그들의 글로벌 기반 철도 차량을 HSR에 올리기 위해 동분서주하고 있다.
CREC는 작년 후반 말레이지아와 60% 지분의합작회사를 만들어 고속철 종점인 반다르(말레이지아?)에 약 20억불 규모의 상업 개발을 하기로 발표하기도 했다.
중국과 일본과는 별도로 한국은 코레일이 운영하고 있는 KTX를 앞세워 쇼케이스를 진행 중이며 수주에 강한 의지를 보이고 있다. KTX는 이미 안정적 운영으로 그 우수성이 입증된 바 있다.
말레이지아 고속철 고위관계자는 수주의 관건은 '안전도'에 좌우될 것이라고 언급했다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
Upcoming Malaysia-Singapore high-speed rail sparks interest from train makers :Countries – including Japan, South Korea and China – have showcased their works in Malaysia, hoping to get selected to operate the upcoming service.
KUALA LUMPUR: Even before a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the high-speed rail (HSR) is signed between Malaysia and Singapore later this year, countries are rushing to showcase their latest trains and technologies to the people who might travel on the super-fast service.
On Thursday (May 5) at an exhibition by Japan Rail in an upmarket mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysians young and old were excited to experience a Shinkansen bullet train simulator first hand.
Capable of traveling up to 350 km per hour, Japan is promoting its series E5 train that would significantly reduce travel time between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore to just 90 minutes.
Running since 2011, the E5 has a 100 per cent punctuality and zero fatality record.
“It’s up to Malaysians and Singaporeans (to decide),” said Dr Makio Miyagawa, the Japanese Ambassador to Malaysia. “We do not want to push hard. We hope the two countries will choose the best and safest system so it can be a show model to other Southeast Asian nations and to the whole world.”
Beijing also harbours the same ambition. China Railway Group (CREC) is eager to showcase its technology on a global platform using the HSR as a platform. It is touted as the front runner, having invested heavily in Malaysia, from energy to integrated property development.
Late last year, China Railway together with its local joint-venture partner, Iskandar Waterfront Holdings acquired a 60 per cent stake in Bandar Malaysia, which houses the HSR terminus from state-owned 1 Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) for RM7.41 billion.
It has also announced a plan to build a US$2 billion commercial complex and moved its regional headquarters to Bandar Malaysia, one of 1MDB’s developments.
“Together with our local developer in infrastructure development, I can not find one who can match with us,” said Cai Zemin, the general manager of CREC.
Apart from China and Japan, South Korea is also showing a strong interest in the HSR project. It is showcasing its high-speed rail system KTX, operated by Korea Railroad Corporation (Korail).
The promotional activities have generated a lot of enthusiasm among Malaysians.
“Safety is everything,” said Michael Yip, an engineer. “I hope the government will put government-to-government consideration second. Pricing is not everything; the technical track record is more important.”
Both countries leaders are expected to sign the MOU during the annual retreat in Malaysia in September, before the signing of a bilateral agreement early next year.
The HSR is expected to have two different services operating on same gauge, but on a double track system, with a direct service straight into Singapore in just 90 minutes and another service with six stops between Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, Ayer Keroh, Batu Pahat, Muar and Nusajaya with a feeder train into Singapore.