Asia is the continent worst score in the ranking of press freedom RSF

Asia is the continent worst score in the ranking of press freedom RSF


Ranking of press freedom

By Inside The World - Wednesday, April 20th, 2016


In the report by Reporters Without Borders reflects a general decline in press freedom.

Spain is ranked 34, he has only dropped one place from . 2015

Finland is the highest rated country, while Eritrea is on the last place ranking

for the first time since Reporters Without Borders (RSF) began in 2002 to develop its global ranking of press freedom, Africa showed a better situation than America , although the decline is palpable in all the areas studied, said Wednesday the organization.

Overall, Africa becomes the second best valued continent , behind Europe, and outperforms America, “ballasted by the growing violence against journalists in Latin America, “while Asia remains the worst score.

north Africa and the Middle East remains” the region of the world where journalists are more subject to barriers of all kinds “to ply their trade, the report said.

Finland, rated the best

of the 180 countries surveyed, Finland remains the best valued, something that is repeated since 2010 , followed by the Netherlands, which won two seats, and Norway, which lost the second position.

RSF stressed the improving Tunisia , which 30 seats progresses through “the decline of complaints against the media and aggression,” while Ukraine up 22 positions “due to the stabilization of conflict” that lives east of the country.

Among the main falls highlights of Poland, which 29 posts are allowed to fall to 47, “to the attacks on the media by ultraconservative party. “

the” authoritarian drift “of the regime of Tajikistan makes him lose 34 seats, the same as Brunei falls” following the introduction of sharia and accusations of blasphemy against journalists who have made self-censorship means “.

Eritrea multiply, the worst score

But the lower part of qualifying the still maintain Turkmenistan, North Korea and Eritrea, which closes the list.

for the secretary general of RSF, Christophe Deloire, “the paranoia that many world leaders have developed against the media” has a lot to do with the widespread decline noted in press freedom .

“the general climate of fear involves a growing hatred in the debate and pluralism , a chain media by governments in full authoritarian and freedom-drift “which is accompanied by” increasing control of private interests on the information in the private sector, “he said.

Beset by terrorism, conflict armed and electoral crisis, African journalists have been worse working conditions , with notable falls like South Sudan, which 15 places left.

Latin America

But the deterioration is worse in America because of “the growing political tensions in many countries, fueled by economic recession, uncertainties about the future and identity withdrawal”.

organized crime remains a threat to reporters in most of the countries of Central America and Colombia, where the cartels, paramilitary groups and drug traffickers make it very difficult to exercise of any investigative journalism.

Mexico loses a job and stands at 149 because of the long series of killings of journalists linked to corruption and drug trafficking.

But the biggest drop signature El Salvador, which back 13 positions to stand at 58, a degradation that began in that country, “eaten away by the violence of the cartels” in 2014 with the rise to power of Salvador Sanchez Ceren, “which accuses the media of participating in a ‘ campaign of psychological horror ‘ against his government.”

Panama, where ” access to information remains partial and is under state control “, lost 8 seats, according to RSF, which states that” coverage of sensitive issues such as corruption, leads to defamation suits “.

institutional violence of Ecuador, organized crime in Honduras, impunity in Colombia, corruption in Brazil, media concentration Argentina or cyber-surveillance in the United States, completes the picture of the continent .

Venezuela and Cuba

But the two worst countries in the continent in press freedom Venezuela and Cuba remain, according to the NGO .

in the first case, RSF noted that “the opposition press and independent media trying to survive to intimidation and maneuvers of President Nicolas Maduro.”

Cuba is ranked at 171 after losing two seats, with “ almost total control of information by the Raul Castro regime.”


in the case of Spain is in the 34th , one less than this decline, albeit slight, is in 2015. related to legislative changes They were recorded, such as the Public Safety Act or ‘Gag Law’, the amendment of the Criminal Procedure Act and the reform of the Organic Law of the Judiciary, which harbored universal justice.

However, the position of Spain does not drop much because, among other reasons, “general deterioration of press freedom worldwide, which also affects the countries occupying the top positions.” RSF notes as an example the falls two neighboring countries occupying positions in previous classifications and who have suffered the sharpest falls . This is the case of France, located in the 44th and desciente seven seats, and the United Kingdom in the 38th position and falling 4 seats.


as happened in his last report, RSF also warned against deterioration of press freedom in Europe on behalf of counterintelligence and the fight against terrorism, but also by a greater concentration of media and the influence of the powers in the public media.

However, as evidenced by the attacks on “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris in January 2015, “ Europe is also a victim of the demons of the world “says RSF.


