세계 최초 7성 UAE 두바이 국제공항 '럭셔리 VIP 터미널' 개관 The world's first '7-star airport' is now open in Dubai: VIDEO
2020년 두바이 엑스포의 관문 역할
25백만명 방문 예상
UAE 두바이 국제공항이 새롭게 건립한 VIP터미널을 준공하고 첫 비행기를 띄웠다.
두바이 엑스포 2020를 위한 엄청난 인프라 건설 시설물들이 건설되고 있지만 그중 하나가 두바이공항의 확장이다.
25백만명이 방문할 것으로 예상되는 2020년 두바이 엑스포의 관문이 될 이 세계적 공항에는 24시간 운영되는 독립형의 터미널(5,600M2)이 두바이와 아부다비 중간에 위치하고 있다.
터미널 내부는 럭셔리한 인테리어로 장식되어 있으며 VIP고객을 위한 스페셜 서비스 뿐 아니라 최고의 시설과 라운지를 구비하고 있다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
The world's first '7-star airport' is now open in Dubai.
by Ashleigh McGinley on Apr 13, 2016
As part of the emirate's Expo 2020 plan, the newly built VIP Terminal at Dubai South's Aviation District marked the beginning of operations with its first flight departure.
The newly opened VIP Terminal at Dubai South's Aviation District. The newly opened VIP Terminal at Dubai South's Aviation District.
According to reports, the inaugural flight was a priavte jet carrying 13 passengers to the Maldives.
The terminal will be the gateway for Expo 2020, which is expected to attract 25 million visitors, with VIPs, business and government travellers amongst them.
The 5,600 m2 stand-alone terminal, which will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, is located midway between Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
Equipped with the finest luxurious interiors, the terminal will feature top-of-the-range facilities and lounges, as well as speciality services for VIP guests.
Khalifa Al Zaffin, executive chairman of Dubai Aviation City Corporation (DACC), said: "The flight is an important milestone for Dubai South and for Dubai's aviation industry as a whole.
"It brings into operation a truly beautiful facility that sets new benchmarks in terms of luxurious ambiance and excellent service.
"The stage is now set for robust growth in Dubai's luxury travel sector."
The launch of operations at the VIP Terminal is a significant step towards realising Dubai's vision as the aviation capital of the world.
"Dubai South's Aviation District is well equipped with world-class infrastructure and facilities to support business aviation and the VIP Terminal will not only serve to bridge a definite gap in the market but will also redefine standards of success in the aviation industry, worldwide."