세계 최초 전기 헬리콥터 유인 비행 성공 e-volo Volocopter VC200 done its first manned flight: VIDEO

독일 이볼로(E-volo) `볼로콥터(Volocopter) VC200`

2013년 처음으로 원격 비행

거대한 드론처럼 생겨

   세계 최초로 개발된 전기 헬리콥터가 유인비행에 성공했다.

세계 첫 유인 전기 헬리콥터 볼로콥터 VC200(출처: 유튜브 갈무리)

edited by kcontents 

독일 이볼로(E-volo)는 `볼로콥터(Volocopter) VC200`이 유인 비행에 성공했다고 10일(현지시각) 밝혔다. 볼로콥터는 세계 최초의 전기 헬리콥터로, 지난 2013년 처음으로 원격 비행을 했다.

볼로콥터에는 큰 프로펠러 대신 작은 날개 18개가 달렸다. 거대한 드론처럼 생겼다.

날개 18개를 독립시켜 회전할 수 있어 기존의 헬리콥터에 비해 수직 이착륙이 쉽다. 원하는 방향으로 움직이는 것도 빠르다. 일부 날개가 고장 나도 안정감 있게 대처할 수 있다고 회사 측은 설명했다.

기름이 아닌 충전한 배터리를 쓰기 때문에 환경오염 물질을 배출하지 않는 것도 장점이다. 배터리 무게를 고려, 기체는 가볍고 튼튼한 탄소 소재를 썼다. 전체 중량이 450㎏에 불과하다.

볼로콥터는 사람이 타서 직접 조종할 수 있지만 드론처럼 지상에서 원격 제어도 가능하다. 2명까지 탑승할 수 있다.

최고 속력은 시속 100㎞다. 1981m 높이까지 상승할 수 있다. 가격은 약 34만달러(3억8400만원).


알렉산더 조셀 이볼로 최고경영자(CEO)는 “사람을 태워 이동하는 슈퍼드론을 제작하고 싶었다”고 밝혔다.


e-volo Volocopter VC200 done its first manned flight


Shane McGlaun - Apr 8, 2016

Small and very lightweight helicopters have been around for decades for enthusiasts to enjoy just for fun. A company called e-volo has been working on something it calls a multicopter that looks more like a giant multirotor drone aircraft than a machine designed to carry human occupants. The flying machine is called the Volocopter VC200 and e-volo has announced that it has conducted its first manned flight.

The VC200 is an electric flying machine that has no emissions and is said to be "impressively quiet." The company hopes that the small flying machine will eventually be usable as a new type of urban transportation. The VC200 can be used in conventional aircraft domains as well. German aviation authorities issued the VC200 a permit to fly in February 2016.

The first official manned flight for the aircraft was made by e-volo managing director Alexander Zosel on March 30, 2016 at an airfield in Germany. The aircraft uses a special flight control system that makes it very easy to fly and like a normal helicopter, it has vertical takeoff and landing capability. The machine is designed to be flown one-handed and has redundancy allowing it to survive the loss of multiple electric motors without crashing.

Shane McGlaun - Apr 8, 2016

Small and very lightweight helicopters have been around for decades for enthusiasts to enjoy just for fun. A company called e-volo has been working on something it calls a multicopter that looks more like a giant multirotor drone aircraft than a machine designed to carry human occupants. The flying machine is called the Volocopter VC200 and e-volo has announced that it has conducted its first manned flight.

The VC200 is an electric flying machine that has no emissions and is said to be "impressively quiet." The company hopes that the small flying machine will eventually be usable as a new type of urban transportation. The VC200 can be used in conventional aircraft domains as well. German aviation authorities issued the VC200 a permit to fly in February 2016.

The first official manned flight for the aircraft was made by e-volo managing director Alexander Zosel on March 30, 2016 at an airfield in Germany. The aircraft uses a special flight control system that makes it very easy to fly and like a normal helicopter, it has vertical takeoff and landing capability. The machine is designed to be flown one-handed and has redundancy allowing it to survive the loss of multiple electric motors without crashing.



