미얀마, 지난해 외국인직접투자(FDI) 90억 달러 육박 Rush before power transfer pushes Myanmar FDI to record $9 bl

2013년 41억 달러 불과

에너지·제조·통신 부문 두각

싱가포르 투자 가장 많아..중국, 홍콩, 네덜란드 순

2015년 경제성장률 8.4%선

   미얀마의 지난해 외국인직접투자(FDI)가 90억 달러(약 10조3860억원)에 육박할 것이란 전망이 제기됐다.

미얀마 2013~2015년 FDI(외국인직접투자) source tradingeconomics.com

edited by kcontents 


GMA뉴스, 글로벌 뉴라이트 오브 미얀마 등 현지 외신들은 5일(현지시간) 미얀마 계획·재무부 산하 투자회사관리국(DICA)의 발표를 인용해 이 같이 보도했다.

DICA는 정권 교체 직전인 지난 3월 대형 안건을 포함한 많은 투자 안건이 승인됐다면서 2015 회계연도(2015년 4월~ 2016년 3월) FDI 규모가 90억 달러에 이를 것이라고 밝혔다. 

2013년 41억 달러에 불과했던 FDI는 이듬해인 2014년 외국 기업이 석유·가스 채굴권을 획득하고 해외 호텔 체인이 미얀마로 진출하면서 두배 이상 늘었다.

이후 지난해 회계연도에는 에너지·제조·통신 부문의 투자액, 10억 달러가 더해져 90억 달러 달성을 눈 앞에 두고 있다.

국가 별로는 싱가포르의 투자가 가장 많았고 중국, 홍콩, 네덜란드 순으로 나타났다. 

한편 아시아개발은행(ADB)은 지난달 발표한 '2016년 아시아 개발 전망' 보고서를 통해 미얀마 지난해 회계연도 경제성장률이 8.4%에 이를 것으로 내다봤다. 

이는 지난해 11월 총선에서 압승한 국민민주연맹(NLD)의 정권 이양이 순조롭게 진행되고 있다는 점이 반영된 것으로 ADB는 "새로 신설된 경제 특구와 교통·통신·에너지 부문의 FDI가 더욱 늘어날 것"이라고 밝혔다.

조은주 기자 ejcho@ [글로벌이코노믹]

Rush before power transfer pushes Myanmar FDI to record $9 bln

Published April 4, 2016 6:42pm

YANGON - Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Myanmar in the fiscal year ending in March grew to nearly $9 billion, a government official said on Monday, after a rush of last-minute approvals before the handover of power to Aung San Suu Kyi's administration.

The figure, a record high, rose by about $1 billion compared with the previous fiscal year, fuelled by investment in the energy, manufacturing and telecoms sectors, San Myint, an official at the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, told Reuters.

The investment reflects growing, if still cautious, interest in one of Asia's last remaining untapped markets, which has offered tax breaks and export tariff perks to create urgently jobs for its 51.5 million people.

San Myint said FDI rose sharply after a body approving projects signed off on several large deals before Suu Kyi's government took power in April, following an election win last year by her National League for Democracy.

"(Projects) pending a long time in the process due to lack of necessary information were expedited before the end of the fiscal year," said San Myint.

Myanmar received $4.1 billion in FDI in 2013/2014 and that number doubled by the end of last fiscal year as foreign firms won oil and gas concessions and international hotel chains started moving in.

Singapore tops the list of foreign investors, the official said, followed by China, Hong Kong and the Netherlands. He said a detailed breakdown was not available as it was still being calculated.

The Asian Development Bank forecast last week Myanmar's economic growth would recover to 8.4 percent in the fiscal year ending March 2017, partly thanks to a pick up in foreign investment.

"Foreign direct investment is expected to get a lift from the successful political transition following national elections in November 2015, with investment flowing into newly established special economic zones and rapidly expanding transport, telecommunications, and energy sectors," the bank said.

Growth in Myanmar's investment follows reforms launched in 2012 by former president Thein Sein, a former general who enlisted help from technocrats and global financial institutions to overhaul an economy that wilted under sanctions and inept policymaking during five decades of military rule.

The lifting of most Western embargoes has allowed foreign access to sectors from banking, property and tourism to factories, infrastructure, airports and agribusiness.

The $9 billion in FDI is some 27 times the $329.6 million received in 2009/2010, the year before the military ceded power. —Reuters

- See more at: http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/561462/news/world/rush-before-power-transfer-pushes-myanmar-fdi-to-record-9-bln#sthash.KTLatoQo.dpuf


