26명 사망 인도 콜카타 고가도로 붕괴 사고..."건설회사 직원에 살인혐의 적용" Indian Police Detain Workers in Connection With Overpass Collapse

10명 대상

사형이나 종신형 선고될 수 있어

사망자 숫자 계속 늘어날 것으로 보여

   인도 경찰이 지난달 31일 발생한 콜카타 고가도로 붕괴사고와 관련, 건설회사 직원 10명에 대해 살인 혐의를 적용할 예정이다. 

붕괴된 고가도로를 건설한 IVRCL인프라스트럭쳐의 직원 3명은 경찰에 체포돼 2일(현지시간) 재판을 받는다. 또 다른 7명의 직원은 현재 수감돼 있는 상태인 가운데 경찰은 이들을 대상으로 살인과 과실치사 혐의를 적용할 방침이다. 

이들의 살인 혐의가 법정에서 받아들여진다면 사형이나 종신형이 선고될 수 있다. 콜카타에서 발생한 고가도로 붕괴사고로 현재까지 26명이 사망하고 69명이 부상을 당했다. 

고가도로 잔해더미 밑에 깔려 있는 사람이 더 있는 것으로 추정돼 구조대원들이 생존자 수색 작업을 벌이고 있지만 사망자 숫자는 계속 늘어날 것으로 보인다. 

[콜카타=AP/뉴시스] 강덕우 기자 badcomma@newsis.com

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edited by kcontents 

Indian Police Detain Workers in Connection With Overpass Collapse

The nine workers all work for IVRCL, the company building the overpass

Indian police detained nine suspects on Friday on suspicion of murder in connection with the collapse 

of an overpass in a busy urban center a day earlier that killed 24 people and injured 80, as officials 

planned to wrap up the rescue operation. PHOTO: SUVANKAR SEN/ZUMA PRESS


April 1, 2016 

Indian police detained nine suspects on Friday on suspicion of murder in connection with the collapse of an overpass in a busy urban center a day earlier that killed 24 people and injured 80, as officials worked to wrap up the rescue operation.

The suspects, who haven’t been arrested or formally charged, all work for the company building the overpass, IVRCL Ltd., the police said. IVRCL denied any wrongdoing and said it would investigate the cause of the accident. It declined to provide the name of the suspects.

“Such an incident has occurred for the first time in the company’s history,” IVRCL said in a filing to local exchanges on Friday. All necessary process and quality steps were undertaken, it said. “IVRCL will do its utmost to find the causes.”

Local TV stations in the eastern city of Kolkata showed images of authorities cutting individual sections of a large metal truss and lifting them out with the help of cranes. Maj. Gen. Anurag Gupta, an adviser for operations at the federal rescue agency, said that almost all of the rubble had been cleared and that he believed all those trapped had been rescued. He said he hoped to end the operation by nightfall.



