벨기에 공항 · 지하철역 폭발사고로 최소 23명 사망...'국가 테러경보 최상급 발령" BREAKING NEWS: At least 23 dead after 'suicide bombers' attack American Airlines check-in desk at Brussels Airport: VIDEO
'자살폭탄 테러'
자벤템공항 두 차례 폭발사고
말베이크 지하철역에서도
파리 테러 주범 '살라 압데슬람' 체포된지 나흘만
22일(현지시간) 벨기에 브뤼셀에서 브뤼셀의 자벤템공항에서 발생한 두 차례의 폭발사고로 현재 최소 23명이 사망한 것으로 알려지고 있다.
이와 함께 브뤼셀 시내 말베이크 지하철역에서도 폭발 사고가 발생했다. 이곳은 EU 본부와 외국 대사관들이 밀집한 곳이다.
벨기에 내무부 대변인은 국가 테러경보를 최상급인 4단계로 격상했다.
폭발은 벨기에에서 파리 테러 주범 살라 압데슬람이 체포된지 나흘만에 발생했다. 벨기에 언론들은 공항에 대피령이 내려졌다고 전했다. 비행기 이착륙도 멈췄다 <참조 헤럴드경제>
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
BREAKING NEWS: At least 23 dead after 'suicide bombers' attack American Airlines check-in desk at Brussels Airport - as SECOND 'terror attack' hits Metro station near EU headquarters

- Shouts 'in Arabic' heard before two explosions went off near the American Airlines check-in desk at 8am (7am GMT)
- Terrified passengers covered in blood ran for their lives after explosion sent 'shockwaves' through terminal building
- Reports of another explosion at a Metro station near the EU headquarters in the Maelbeek area of central Brussels
- Evacuated passengers are being ferried onto buses and are being driven to a 'crisis centre' away from the airport
- Comes a day after Belgium minister warned of revenge attacks after arrest of Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam
At least 23 people have been killed and dozens injured in Brussels after a series of terror attacks struck the city's airport and a metro station near the EU headquarters.
Witnesses described apocalyptic scenes with blood and 'dismembered bodies everywhere' after two blasts rocked the American Airlines check-in desk at Brussels Airport at 8am (7am GMT) in a suspected suicide bombing.
Around 90 minutes later, ten people died when an explosion hit a Metro station just 400 metres from the EU headquarters in the city centre in another suspected terror attack.
The explosions come just a day after the Belgium Interior Minister warned of possible revenge attacks after the arrest of Paris massacre suspect Salah Abdeslam in the city last week.
At the airport, shouts in Arabic were reportedly heard before the explosions which sent shockwaves through the terminal building, shattering windows, knocking roof tiles off the ceiling and sending terrified passengers running for their lives.
Samir Derrouich, who works at a restaurant in the airport, told MailOnline: 'The two explosions were almost simultaneous.
'They were both at check in desk. One was close to the Starbucks. It was awful. There was just blood. It was like the apocalypse.'
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Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3503928/Two-explosions-heard-Brussels-Airport.html#ixzz43cjcenp6